𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 6!!

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After sitting in silence for a good two minutes the bell finally rang. Everyone got up from their seats and headed to tutor, all the year sevens started running through the dinner hall nearly knocking people over just so they got to tutor first.

<Izzys POV>
"Come on Noah, we need to go to the east block" I said whilst pointing at a building smaller than the rest. He nodded and smirked. "Why are are all the year sevens running around" he chucked. "I don't know, they do it every day so be careful you don't get knocked over haha" I said also laughing.

A minute or so later Noah and Izzy had arrived at tutor and lined up outside as the teacher was late... as per usual!

<Noah's POV>
I'm happy me and Izzy are talking again. At least I know I haven't fucked our friendship up because if I did I would never forgive myself. Izzys different than everybody else, she isn't using me for my fame and she's just a kind and caring person. I don't understand why nearly everyone bully's her.

*Thank you for nearly 100 reads*

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