Chpt 1 Arival of the Fan Girl

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HEY, this part of the book is from Chris_the_tiny 's commission book with a few edits. Again, please check her out!! And if you want to see the original story, please check out her commision book! And before anyone anyone gets all mad with saying @Chris_the_tiny wrote that, not you, i made sure to get permission first!!!!!


A knock at the door made Jack raise his head from his book. He blinked a few times and glanced at the clock. 10 o'clok at night...who would be out this late? He looked down to Chris, who hadn't heard the tiny noise, most likely because her hearing wasnt as attuned as his was. Jack frowned, running a hand through his spiked brown hair.

"Someone's at the door," Jack said, reaching a hand down and laying it next to Chris. Without hesitation, she climed into it, settling herself into his massive palm. He gently raised Chris up to his shoulder and allowed her to shift into her "perch" as she called it. Once she had snuggled up, he moved toward the door. As he cracked open the door, Jack barely missed the gasp coming from the figure behind it. He opened the door all the way. There, on the door mat stood a human... another human. This human had bright red hair with white streaks, that he noticed first. He couldnt see her eyes under the enourmous red and white has she wore, though he noticed they weren't the same color as she studied him up and down. A small squeak came from the girl before she fell back, fainting onto the ground.

Chris snuggled up to Jack's neck, not bothering to look down at the interruption at the door. But once she heard Jack swear softly, she lowerd her gaze to the floor as the giant bent down. She watched in shock as he scooped up a person, looking at it with a mix of fear and curiousity. Thats when sh noticed the person was a girl... and that she was unconscious.

"What did you do?!?!?!?!" Chris demanded, looking to Jack in disbelief. The giant bit his lip.

"I dunno! She just looked at me a passed out! Kind of the reaction i expected, if im honest..." He answered, shutting the door with his foot. Chris clutched onto Jack's shirt as he walked back to kitchen table, moved the book aside, setting the girl atop the table, before reaching for her and setting her next to the figure. Chris moved up mto the girl and noticed a few more things. One: her hair was red. Bright red. Two: she had a cat in the hat jat on. Three: her dull pink dress seriously clashed with the first two things. Just as Chris walked up to poke the girl, she sat up and look from Chris to Jack then to Chris again.

"He's a giant," The girl said grinning. Chris blinked a few times.

"Um...yeah," she mirmured, "I kinda knew that," The girl jumped to her feet and bounced up and down.

"ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod, a real lived ACTUAL giant!!!" She squealed, claping her hands together. Jack, who seemed confused as disturbed, moved back slightly. Chris stared at the girl as well, confusuion clearly written across her features.

"Yes, we know. Can we move past tha and onto the question of why your at ouyt house?" She asked a bit moodily. Jack was her giant, and while she usually wasnt the jelous type, she didn't like people creeping the big lug out like that. That was her job. The girl grinned again, then turned to Chris. Chris blinked at the sight of the girl's eyes, one of which was and red. and one which was blue.

"Im sorry, where are my manners? Im Katie, and its very nice to meet you," She said, offering Chris her hand. CHris blinked again, reaching to shake Katie's hand.

"Um...nice to meet you too, i gues.." she trailed off. "Er.... I'm Chris and this," she gestured to Jack, who was still confused about the whole situation, "-is Jack," Katie nodded, looking at Jack excidetly.

"I cant believe i'm meeting an actual, real life giant!!!" She started to jump up and down again. She tilted her head, looking at Jack. "So this is just a guess, your guys are a couple right?" Jack cut her off with a wave off his hand, nearly knocking the two girls over with the force of it.

'Hold on, hold on. I think we deserve some answers first, kiddo. What exactly are you doing in our house?" The firl paused.

"Well, I was camping with some friends and got seperated from them in the forest. I found your house and thought it looked cool, which it is, and decided to see if i could get some shetler, or something like that," She answered faltly and quickly. Jack blinked in understanding.

"So, you lost your group?" He asked. Katie nodded.

"I like this better though," She said slowly. Chris stared at the girl then looked to Jack.

"Hmm... I'm not so sure you should stay here, your parents may get worried," She murmmered slowly. Katie scoffed at that then looked to Chris a bit meekly.

"I guess... but I'm not sure I should go back out there..." Jack titled his head.

"Whys that?" He asked.

"Well-" Katie began. A loud clap of thunder cut her off, making three if them jump. "Thats why," Jack looked back to Chris, who sighed deeply. She stepped up to Katie and smiled.

"How about this, since its so late, and its raining, you can stay here tonight, and in the morning, Jack and I can help you find your group." Jack smiled at Chris. This wasnt the first lost person they had taken in, after all. In fact, that was almost exactly how he and Chris had met. Katie grinned.

"Really? I can stay here? With a giant???" Katie asked giddily. Jack nodded slowly.

"Yeah, though Im not sure how you'll feel about giants once yoy meet my older brother, Ethan" He chuckled. Katie, seeming unfazed, shrugged.

"Med, Im sure i can handle him," She said with a shrug. Jack looked to Chris, who smiled and shook her head. Knowing Ethan and his hatred of uninvited guests, this was sure to be an.... interesting night.

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