Killing Dreams (villian deku arc)

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Bakugou pov-

The smoke had barely cleared but me and Kirishima where already trying to make are way to the wall. When we could
finally see it we saw the wall had completely collapsed on the girls. Though as we gor closer we saw them trying to
remove the rubble from atop of them. We began helping helping them remove the rubble aswell. Finally they
where both out enough to get up though both had to tear parts of there dresses off at the bottom to get out. By this point
we all had just enough of are bearings to realize we wherr under attack. The teachers where doing there
best to keep everyone calm but with most of the school here it was definitely harder than they expected it to be.
Finally another loud crashing sound came from the wall closest the the DJ booth and there stood the league of villains with, Deku. Not captured but standing
along side them. Ever since Ura was taken I kept trying to get the school to atleast look into the possibility that he was the traitor.
But no one would listen to me. Now we where all going to regret that decision.

Uraraka pov-

Finally the four of us where able too get out of the building without getting into any more danger. Some other students where also out there getting injuries nursed. Me and Mina where pretty beat and the boys had a couple of scrapes and scratches so we all began to headed over to the ambulances. We where a good ways away from everyone as it seemed they had all decided to go a little ways away from the building incase it collapsed. All the sudden while holding onto Kat for support I felt someone grab me and befor I knew it. Sone villian had grabbed me already stabbing me it the side to handy cap me more. Aizawa and Kat began to run after us while I tried to break free from my captures grasp. While an ambulance worker escorted Mina and Kiri to get patched up. The look of horror on both Aizawa and Kats faces told me something was up but I still didnt understand what is was. But befor I realized it I began to lose consciousness, felling my body get weaker the more I struggled. Until I finally wound up passing out the last thing I remember seeing was Kat and Mr.Aizawa both screaming at me to stay awake.

Welcome to soul crushing from now on I will be adding one sad thing to another. Have fun crying because none of this ends well. :,)

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