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The sudden rush of memory flooded Jaehyun's mind. 

'Could it be?' He thought. He stared blankly at the phone and decided to risk it. He has no idea what else to put anyways. 

He bit his lip hard, not realizing it was hard enough to bleed when he tasted it. He typed in 0114 carefully and clicked 'ok'. He didn't realize he was holding his breath untik he exhaled deeply when the app opened.

To Jaehyun

Doie's Recipes

Countries I wanna...


List of students who…

Jaehyun's  brows furrowed when he only saw 5 notes. He saw his name in one of the notes but decided to read it later.  He clicked on the folders and what he found made him more puzzled. There are folders with dates. 




He scrolled down the very long list of folders. And it seemed like he couldn't get into the bottom of it but finally, he reached the last one.


he opened the folder and was astonished to see another set of notes. The title are all numbers. He clicked on one. It was a picture...of a diary. Jaehyun's eyes widened as he stare at the colorful diary of Young Doyoung. The titles aren't numbers, but dates . Dates of the Month.


Dear Doie's Diary (DDD),
Today, mummy made me eat vagetables. I hate it!!aaaah. Yuta got a dog. I want one but mummy dont want hmp. Why does mummy always dont like doie wants? 


Dear Doie's Diary (DDD),
I cried because mummy made me wake so early. But!!!!!yuta and me walked together to school!!first day of our school me and yuta are seatmates. Teacher is mad at us because we called him Mr. Shiny. Its not our fault his head is shiny no hair!!!!



Dear Doie's Diary (DDD), 
I'm sulky today because Yuta is leaving me hmp he said he will go home at Japan. Mummy says I can't go. I cried at the airport. I already miss Yuta.



Dear Doie's Diary (DDD),
Its my birthday diary!!!! my mom bought me a bunny!!! yuta gave me bunny doll hmp and my birthday theme is bunny too!! I dont look like a bunny!!



Dear Doie's Diary (DDD),
Yuta is older than me again hmp he's 11 now. Why am I younger by 4̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶t̶h̶s̶ 3 months. We played at their backyard pool with Taeilie he's also our neighbour~ Yuta slipped while running and broke his front tooth. See??? why is he older he acts like a kid. I'm a big boy than him.

Reading young Doyoung's diary entries made Jaehyun feel happy. So this was Doyoung before he came to his life. It was inpressive how Doyoung was able to save his diary through all the years. 



Dear Doie's Diary (DDD),
First day as middle schooler. Yuta is taller than me now. Why can't I grow fast? Me and Yuta isn't in the same section. I'm sad. My classmates are bullying me because I look like a bunny. They threw their lunches at me. But its okay, they said sorry when the teacher told them to. I hate my face! Ms. Ji told us we would have transferee but he is absent today. I get to be seatmates with him though. I hope he is nice.

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