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"Again!" Gaara instructed; I do so, repeated what I had done prior to make a sand wall. It was a small wall, but hey! I couldn't have done better with my hands. "Don't you think you are pushing her a bit?" Kankurō asked his brother, known as my teacher. "I mean she is only five." Temari added.

"It's fine." I smiles at them, I had been unofficially adopted into the family under a more Japanese name: Kasi Daitsuki [Remember, family name first] and I am now fluent in Japanese. As for the training, it was worth it. If I trained hard enough, I would be able to join the 'Three Sand Siblings' before I turn twelve, again. "Besides," I continued "it was my choice to master sand ninjutsus." I had already enrolled in the Ninja academy and I even had my own sand gourd.

"Okay Daitsuki, Suna Shigire." Gaara ordered, Sand Drizzle. I did so, only to get scattered showers, I sighed "Sorry, I haven't worked on that on much."

"Practice more then, along with Sanano Tate. You have until next week before you are tested." Gaara said. "Yes Sensei." I replied puting my chakara sand back in the gourd.

"Here." Temari gave me some water, "Thanks." I drank some before asking "So what shall we do now?"

"Depends on what the Elders want us to do." Kankurō shrugged "Do you have any homework from the academy?"

"Some, but it's easy stuff." I returned to practicing my Shield of Sand. "Don't push yourself, you don't want to get over heated."

"Hai hai!" I said, Temari also acted like she was my mother, not that I minded much. But I am only a year younger than the red head.

After a few minutes, Kankurō and Temari left to take care of something. "Something is on your mind." Gaara noted, I responded with a nod as I concentrated on Sabaku Fuyuu now. "I it's about your kareshi , try to relax. He is more likely to be in Konohagakure. Understood?"
"Let's go. Maybe we can stop by the market and get you a new outfit for the party this weekend or something."


"Ready for this, Daitsuki?" Temari asked me. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I grinned at her "I mean, he taught me all that I needed to know for this."

"But you know how hard Gaara is when it comes to you."

"Onee-san , I will be fine." we walked outside of the village where our brothers were waiting. I had my gourd on my back over a red tank-top that I had paired with a black miniskirt, I did have short underneath.

"Ready?" Gaara asked, I moved my head up and down as I readied my chakara.

He sent his first attack of six Suna Bunshin that I take care of with my shurikens. I made a Suna no Tate before sending out a set of Sand Kenai at him that were deflected with ease. "At least you got better at one thing."

I sent some sand drizzles, his way as I prepared for my finale: Concealed Sand Picture Cat. This jitsu immobilized everything whether I can see them or not. I hadn't tried it on a human yet, but based on the results I received, I think I did a good job.

"Well done imōtō." Gaara said once I removed the jitsu. "Thanks." I smiled.

"Tomorrow we have our Genin exams, think you're ready for that?" Gaara inquired, I nodded my head "Should be."

"Come on you two! Temari wants to get something nice for dinner!" Kankurō yelled at us. "Race ya!" I challenged Gaara before running ahead.


"That was so boring!" I complained to my elder brother as we walked home. "We passed though, now Kankurō and Temari can take us on mission. Oh, here." he handed me a shinobi hitai-ate (headband) "You left before you could get yours."

"Thanks onii-chan." I took it and put it on like a traditional headband as Gaara tied his around his waist. "I wonder what our first mission is going to be." I pondered aloud.

"Probably something easy."

"That's easy money though."

"But they're E-rank."

"We might get some D-rank missions too!" I pointed out as we reached out home "Be optimistic about it." I opened the door.

"Welcome home, we got a mission already." Kankurō greeted us "C-rank so pack your bags."

Words Count: 741

Little longer today also, when I am doing time skips I am going to use different emojis for different places. For starters:
Sand Village: 🌸
Konaha: 🌿

At least that's what I got so far. Thank you for reading!

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