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🌸Seven years later 🌸

"What is that you got there?" I asked Gaara who had a scroll in his hands that was recently brought in by a ninja dog. "Information about the Chūnin Exams. And there's a slight problem." he answered finally.


"We can only enter in cell of three or less." he informed me, I felt my face drop. "Oh. I can go solo or we can pair off." I suggested, Welp, that's one more thing on my list of worries.

"Yeah, we'll bring this up with the others." he rolled the scroll back up and put it off to the side. "Also we are going to be leaving tomorrow morning so we will have to decide soon." Gaara added.



We reached the village gates and entered the Village Hidden in the Leaf only to be in aw. Let me just tell you, the manga and anime can never catch how amazing the veiw is from the entrance alone! I bet if I get on the mountain- "Daitsuki." Gaara said beside me, bringing me back to reality "Come on, we need to talk with the Hokage." Gaara told me, I nodded my head and follow the two toward one of the buildings with a simple character:火

We entered the building and upon entering the office, I bowed "Lord Third." I said respectfully, Gaara vowing as well toward the old man. The Hokage sat behind a desk on what can only be discribed as a comfy chair. Draped over the table is a white cloth with three symbols: 景  ミ and the symbol of Konaha in-between them. I saw all of this as I glanced up at him, the door closing behind us. "So you are from a different world." His Kage-ness remarked, I assumed the ninja that showed us here left. "Yes sir." I stood back up, his remarked had also told me that Gaara told the Kage about me.

"We can discuss what you know later, currently we have a more important item to talk about. The Chûnin Exams." The man said.

"I can go solo if needs be." I told him, though my mind was still wondering why Gaara is here, not that I minded. "I am aware of this, but that won't be necessary." Then as if it was all planned: the door opens, I turned to see a boy about my age, twelve, with a more muscular built walked in. He had short, light brown hair and matching brown eye "It just so happens that this young man is in a team of four as well." Why does he seem familiar. He is in a black muscle shirt that has red lines forming a slight Chevron pattern. The kid was in black pants and zori like everyone else with his headband of his Village, Konohagakure, over his forehead. Normally, most would were something in relation to their clan as students, even I had adopted to have the character for love on my shirt, but this ninja had nothing that would suggest his clan. Not that I could name very many clans based off of their crest.

"So, you're pairing us up." I turned my head to see the Hokage nodding his. "This is Kenshin Ryuk, though he has also earned the name 'Rurouni' Kenshin."

'Wonderer' I though before introducing myself "Nice to meet you, I'm Kasi Daitsuki."

Word Count: 569

Hello, just so you are in the loop Kenshin is from Nobuniro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin and Ryuk is from Tsugumi Ohba's and Takeshi Obata's Death Note both stories were published in Shonen Jump and are amazing, from what I read/heard about them. Jus in case you are bored and wanting to read something new.

Anyways, thank you for reading this far and I will see you lovely beings in the next chapter!

~Khole Ali

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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