better than me

18 5 14

(i'm ranting about emos)

i'm just thinking about the time i saw some brendon stans saying that they think dallon's vibe is off like..what ??

what ????

he literally has the best vibe of any panic member post-spencer smith's escape but go off

brendon would never pass a vibe check

brendon's prob a pretty okay guy irl but he just wouldn't pass it y'know :/

i don't think those guys have given any real thought to dallon besides choosing saying absolutely nothing when zack was harassing him for years and then saying good riddance when he moved onto better things lmao

i would die for dallon - his vibe is immaculate

brendon stans are just the worst people in bandom. periodt.

i'd rather befriend some twenty-eight year old single mom of three that still lives in her parent's house that writes smutty self-inserts about jesse lacey than even come across a brendon urie stan

they're icky

the motherfuckers that call pete wentz a pedophile have more class than brendon stans

the kids that still say "smol beans" are superior to brendon stans

freaking parxies are cooler than brendon stans (even though they can be the same person)

please accept my propaganda

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