Chapter 1

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Its the first day of my new job at the Glamrock location. It's kinda nervracking, honestly.
I put on my nametag and walk over to the mall in the centre of town. I enter the back of the Glamrock location, and am immediately greeted by William, the co-owner of the pizza place.
"Scott, right?" He asks.
I nod silently.
"Great. Listen, I don't have much time left on break, so my brother, Vincent is gonna show you how to do stuff ok?" He asks.
I nod silently again.
"Great" and he leaves.
I look around for Vincent. I have no idea what he looks like.
"Hi" someone says, making me jump.
There, standing in front of me, is literally William's twin. His nametag reads Vincent.
I wave without saying anything. He nods quietly and gestures for me to follow him. I do as he says.
"This is backstage" Vincent says, gesturing around us. The door from the outside is in here, and there stage lights and a lever that's labeled Curtains.
"We have a ventilation system big enough for the animatronics to fit through, we were gonna have them smaller but we have to share with the mall." He explains.
I roll my eyes.
We step into the main area, which has a bunch of tables.
"This is the dining area" he says, then points to the side of the pizzeria, "that's the play place" he informs me.
Theres little kids running everywhere, laughing joyously, and uncomfortable parents, eyeing their children and their actions carefully, so that nobody goes missing.
"Hey! Domt go there!" William yells at a kid, reaching to see the animatronics.
He picks up the kid and places it in the ball pit.
I chuckle, and Vincent chuckles with me.
"I guess you wanna see the animatronics?" Vincent asks.
I shrug, "I can wait till the performance" I say.
He nods, "so yeah, this is pretty much the whole pizza place. Violets the one responsible for crawling in the tunnels of the play place to get kids because shes the smallest." Vincent laughs. "That pretty much concludes the grand tour. Anyways, we're supposed to keep lonely kids company. Michael and Elizabeth are cooking the food. Anyways, I should go give Susie a tour" Vincent says before disappearing backstage.
I look around, and see a teenager disappear into what appears to be the janitorial closet.
I follow the kid, and open the door quietly. He doesnt notice because hes busy sulking.
"Hey" I say softly.
He jumps, "wh-who are you?" He stutters.
"Um....I'm Scott....I work here?" I say.
"Oh, sorry. Go deal with the children then" he says.
"Theres other people for that." I snort, "plus, who would want to deal with those little nightmares?" I ask, earning a small laugh from the kid.
"Yeah. My little brother is having his birthday party here. Of course my parents forced me to come, and I couldnt bring a friend so I guess I'm lonely" he says.
"I thought I was your friend though?" I smile softly, tilting my head.
He laughs, "I only just met you!"
"Yourr right" i frown, "what's your name?" I ask him.
"J-Josh" he replies.
"Cool name. A little common in the US, but I've never met anyone called Josh before" I reply.
He smiles, sniffing.
"Which animatronic mascot do you like the best out of the two locations?" I ask Josh.
"I like....I'm not sure who I like from the original batch, and this is my first time here. I have seen images of the Glamrocks though. I have to say MontGomery is my favourite" Josh says.
Suddenly music could be heard, and I peek out the window of the closet.
"Wanna watch the show?" I ask.
He doesnt reply, just sits there.
"You wanna see the new animatronics?" I try a new reproach.
He looks up at me, and nods.
I offer him my hand and he takes, and I lead him in the dining area. The animatronics are smiling onstage, and Josh smiles at himself.

I watch Scott from the shadows, me, being a shadow myself easily blending in.
I have never even considered my sexuality before. Now that I think about it, I've only ever been attracted to boys. Guess I'm gay.
Scott and that kid whom I think I overheard say their name is Josh, they watch the Glamrocks perform.
"Vincent" William says, suddenly appearing at my side, "go check on Scott. Susie had to leave early due to some personal issues" William says.
"Sure" I shrug, and he disappears again. Probably to yell at some kid.
"Hi Scott" I say, scaring him.
"Vincent! Could you come a little more loudly next time?" Scott asks.
"No can do" I smile, shaking my head.
Scott shakes his head as well, his hair tossing with his head movement.
"William sent me to check on you" I tell Scott.
He sniffs, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Well I'm clearly doing fine. I even made a new friend" Scott says, gesturing to Josh.
"Uh huh" I say, not believing that the friendship is gonna last.
I dont know if i like Scott or not. I'm trying so hard not to blush right now. Ever small movement makes me fall even more in love...
Yep, I like Scott -_-.
Anyways, back to the present.
Josh has randomly disappeared, and now it's just me and Scott.
"Um, you can go away now" Scott says, clearly annoyed.
I forced my face to pale so I dont blush, and nod. I back away, and disappear into the shadows.
I watch as Scott ducks under a table and comes back out with a small child. She has pretty blonde hair and a red bow to hold her ponytail up.
Shes crying, but something Scott says makes her smile and laugh.
I find myself blushing furiously at that. Scott is so good with kids! You could almost say I'm jealous.

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