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After many persuasive calls between my mother and father, they finally agreed to letting me go on tour with my favorite band. My mom made me put each member on the phone and make them swear to not pull any stupid "tricks" on me. Do they not understand how sweet these five guys are?-or even that I'm responsible enough to protect myself on my own?
"No ma'am. No. Well, sometimes. Okay fine, a lot. No. Of course I will!" Jesse spoke to my father. I knew he was asking him about drugs or something. My dad had this huge fear of me getting into drugs for whatever reason. Jesse passed the phone to Mikey.
"It's the mom now," he whispered quietly.
"Hello? Oh hello Mrs... Uh... Okay, Mrs. Martine. No, only Jesse and sometimes Zach. No. Yes, we will. Okay, bye." I loved Mikey's voice. It was so smooth and calming. Mikey handed the phone to Zach. He took a small pause before putting it to his right ear.
"H-hello. I'm great, how are you? Oh... I see. Okay. I know. I'm not getting mouthy with you Mrs.... uh... oh- Mrs. Martine. I'm sorry. Okay," he said kind and unsurely walked away. My mom probably wanted to talk to him in "private." As if I can even hear her while she's on the phone talking to someone else. The rest of the boys and I hovered around the closed bathroom door.
"Sh it the fuck up Mikey, I can't hear!" Jeremy said louder than he should've.
"That wasn't even me! It was Brandon!" Mikey replied.
"You all need to shut the fuck up before I throw all of you put that window over there," Jesse said, being louder than everyone else and pointing to the window the started at the floor and reached to the ceiling. It pretty much subbed as a wall. Suddenly, Zach opened the door with a small tear in his soft brown eye. He wiped it with the sleeve of his black button down shirt and my phone to me. I took it and hugged him. The guys made gagging sounds in the background, but we didn't care. He looked into my eyes after everyone walked away, with a look that said, "Please kiss me until my lips vanish." But I didn't kiss him. Maybe Fiona was right. Maybe I should stop obsessing over famous people and realize that I'm "six-fucking-teen." I didn't know. I felt bad almost immediately for rejecting his kiss. But I had just met him. He might've really liked me, but who knows if he actually, truly, with all of his heart, actually loved me. People say that you need at least 60 days of knowing someone to fall in love with them. Zach didn't even know me for 60 hours, yet. When he saw me pull away from him, he looked upset and embarrassed. Neither of us spoke. He put his hands on my cheeks and rested his forehead on mine. (I think it's funny that me and my friends call Zach short, even though he's actually taller than me by a few inches.) We both closed our eyes, but our mouths didn't touch. With my arms around his waist and his hands on my face, it's safe to say that when Jesse walked around the corner, he actually thought we were kissing. He screamed and pushed through us to the door. He looked at Zach as he struggled to open the knob. Once he got it open, he was half way down the hall, barefoot and shirtless. Zach and I decided to run after him, followed by Mikey and Jer. I'm not sure where Brandon was. Jesse hung a sudden left, causing Zach to trip over his feet, but regain his balance. I tripped over my feet, too, but I fell on my ass. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Still running, with everyone several feet behind us, he slightly bent down and yelled, "Iris, hop on my back!"
"Iris, come on! It's okay, I promise!"
So I did. With one jump, I my feet lifted from the ground and my legs went around his stomach. He made sure to hold on tight as we flew down the stairs. I looked back to see Jeremy sitting omg the top step, panting. Mikey was next to him, trying to comfort him. We had actually been running for a long time! We ran past the elevators before reaching the steps, and before that, we ran past at least 60 hotel doors. Still on fire, Jesse ran through the food court. I could feel Zach starting to sweat and breathe heavier.
"Do you want me to get down?" I asked him. He shook his head no. We began to fall behind him, but we could still see the turns Jesse made. He went through the casino, and to the spa. After running past the old ladies getting pedicures, he threw $15 on the counter and unbuttoned his jeans.
"JESSE, NO!!" Zach screeched. The ladies peeled the cucumbers from their eyes and Zach and I stopped running as we all watched the tattooed man in boxer briefs run through the pool doors, down the indoor pool deck, onto the diving board, and finally into the 12 foot deep pool. I got down from Zach's back. I looked at him and he shrugged. We decided to strip down and get in, too. What did we have to loose, right? I was still I my pajamas, so I took off my spirit and sweats so that I was in my blue sports bra and gray panties with black polka dots. Zach wore black and white striped boxers. It was all old women at the pool that day, because they were waiting for their toenails to dry. After Me and Zach jumped in together, most of them left. No one else was in the pool besides us three. We splashed each other and played Marco Polo. For each of us being half naked, it wasn't awkward at all. We dove in and raced to the other end of the pool. I won the first three. As we swam back to the diving boards, Jesse says to us, "I'm going to sit this one out, but how 'bout loser of this round has to carry me back to the hotel?"
"Deal," Zach and me say at the same time. We stand on the edge of the boards. Jesse loudly says, "Go!" And were off. Zach looks like he's trying to do a doggy paddle. I just do the front stroke. Of course, I reach the wall first.
"Ha! You have to carry Jesse!" I laugh and point to Zach. By this time, Jesse is laughing pretty hard, too. His laugh is really funny because he sounds like some sort of hyena or another dying animal. We were all having am amazing time until a police officer came into the pool room. With dark squinted eyes, he looked at us for a while before walking to the counter. He and the lady behind the register talked and took turns looking in our direction. We didn't care; we just kept to ourselves and played around in the pool like the idiots we were. Finally, the officer stepped away from the counter and walked toward us with his hands in his belt.
"You guys can't be here," he told us in a voice that said I'm not fucking around here.
"Why? What did we do?" Jesse asked him.
"First of all, there were many reports that you were very loud and obnoxious. Secondly, none of you are wearing actual bathing suits, and that's against the law," he informs. Jesse and Zach looked at each other and then at me. He was right. We were just wearing underwear, and I was wearing a sports bra. But still. He pulls out his pocket sized notepad and starts writing.
"...So if you were to get out, I'd like to give you this," the cop said and ripped the top piece of paper off.
"What's that?" Jesse asked and basically rolled his eyes.
"A ticket."
We all looked at each other with wide, surprised eyes. A ticket?! At least we were at least wearing something, and didn't strip down completely before we swam. Without hesitating, Jesse struggled up the metal ladder to the pool deck, grabbed a white hotel towel, and sprinted out the door. By the time the door was shut behind him, Zach and I were both running away, too. We didn't even bother getting towels, we just quickly followed Jesse back to the room. The officer tried to come after us, but we took a bunch of unnecessary turns around corners just to lose him. When we got back to the room, we were panting and sweating. Everyone else was just chilling on the floor playing cards.
"JESSE OH MY GOD YOU FORGOT TO CARRY ME, YOU FAGGOT!" Zach yelled and playfully punched Jesse in the arm.
"Dude, I was running for my life! You know what I did last summer, and how I have a problem with getting tickets now," Jesse told him as Zach started to pack his things. Brandon stood up and told everyone, "The bus driver just called me and said that he will be pulling the bus up at the curb at 2 and that all of you have to be ready or he's driving away. He also said that it's okay to stop back at Iris's house so she can gather her stuff really quick." He sat back down.
"Zachhhhh," Jesse whined, "Will you go get my cigs from the bathroom? And my pot and vodka and anything else that might be there?"
"No you didn't carry my get it yourself."
"But...I'm all comfortable..."
I laughed, "Jesse you're on the floor. You're not comfortable, you're just lazy. Just get your drugs yourself."
Zach came behind me and hugged me around the waist.
"Thanks for that," he whispered in my ear and put his head on my shoulder.
"Hey Mikey, you know what we should get Zach for his birthday?" Brandon asked.
"What?" Mikey asked back.
"We should get him sign that says "I'm a lil bitch and I flirt with literally every girl that's four years younger or younger than me and I need a room," he said and laughed so hard he cried.
"Awe come on, that was kind of mean," Mikey said in his sweet, innocent voice.
"Yea, that was kinda mean," Zach said, giving Brandon the dirtiest look he could possibly make. Jesse was sitting up, looking appalled at what came out of his friend's mouth. Zach let go of me and packed his stuff.
"It's 1:45, let's go check out," Jeremy said as he picked up the card deck from the floor and got up. On the way out, Jesse made sure to pick up his drugs from the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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