Damien O'Donel

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Its like my whole world crashed in a matter of seconds. Its like I couldn't breathe,wait Lindsay, thats mean, he is the one who cant breathe. Oh well. Who cares.I have nothing to live for. He was like my best friend and an annoying little brother all in one. I remember the day my mom told me they were having her. Yes i said her. They thought he was going to be a girl, until he came into our crazily wonderfully weird family. (flashback)/ "Ok Linds, your next gift is one that cannot be unwrapped." "Is it a trip to the Bahamas, via cruise ship?" iIasked hopefully. "No Lindsay," my dad said almost angrily while he spoke. "You are going to have a little sister!" he said hopefully. I just stood there, frozen, like the whole world around me did not exist. Almost exactly how i am now. (end of flashback) A wise man once told me that crying waste water, it was a sign of weakness and that it was a waste of all our time and tissues. I had listened, I have not let a single tear drop since the day that Damien O'Donel broke up with me on February 15,2011. He said that he felt bad dumping me on Valentines day. What a jerk. I try not to think about him that much anymore though. But I do. And I always will.                                                AN/HEY GUYS! WHAT DID YOU THINK? THERE MIGHT BE SOME MISTAKES BECAUSE I JUST GOT A LAPTOP FOR CHRISTMAS AND IM STILL GETTING USED TO IT! AND THE WHOLE THING WITH THE SONG TITLE THING IS OVER. I WRITE TO NOT HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THE REAL WORLD. SO I CAN LIVE IN A WORLD OF FICTION, SO SONG TITLES IS OUT BECAUSE OF THAT VERY REASON. I LOVE YOU ALL FOR READIN "AS I AWAKE" IT MEANS THE FREAKIN WORLD TO ME! LOVE YOU ALL! XXX -SAVANNAH <3

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