Chapter 11: The Day of Truth

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The next morning, the cacophony of thoughts from the night before gave way to just one unequivocal resolution.

I am never drinking again.

A violent battle waged in my gut, my limbs each weighed a hundred gold bars, and my head felt like it was being crushed under the wheel of a wagon. A moan escaped me, and Brosia whisked into the room with a mug of water and a wet cloth. Her face was twisted in the same expression she always wore while caring for my father — a pinched brow and pursed lips.

Then I heard two voices outside the tent. Though they were faint and muddled, both voices were too familiar to misconstrue. Finny and Niako.

A jolt of apprehension shot through me as the night before flooded my mind.

Many consider you an enemy... run away... you would be safe...

I managed a scratchy, "No, thank you," to Brosia as I lurched to my feet and staggered out of the tent.

Hot humidity pressed me down. The bright morning sun glinted off of the gold pillars, spilling a spectrum of diamonds across the marble plaza. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw Niako and Finny sitting cross-legged on the marble ground, facing each other.

A dark coin glittered on Niako's palm. He closed his hand over the coin and kissed his fist. Then he rolled his arms around each other with a flourish and snapped open his hand, revealing a lighter, shinier coin.

Finny rose to her knees and poked a finger at the gold coin, emitting a garbled sound halfway between delight and frustration. When she sat back down, she threaded her fingers into her hair on both sides, continuing to stare at the coin.

"I still don't get how you do it."

"I told you," said Niako, "It's magic." Then his gaze lifted to meet mine. "Good morning, Toom."

I swallowed once, pulling myself together. Seeing Niako with Finny terrified and infuriated me, but it also tugged curiously on my heart.

The fear and anger won out.

"What are you doing here?" I growled. "Why are you speaking to my sister?"

"I came to see you, but you were sleeping, and your guards wouldn't let me into the tent. Finny felt sorry for me and came out to chat."

Clutching my pounding forehead, I said, "Finny, go back inside."

"The guards are here, Toom," she said, swinging out a hand to gesture to Stro and two other guards who chatted quietly nearby. Ruck sat ten feet from them with his back against a gold pillar. "And Niako was showing me how he can turn a copper into a gold! Niako, can you show Toom?"

"I'd be too nervous," said Niako, sounding not one bit nervous. "Anyway, you should listen to your brother. But you'll remember the plan, yes?"

"Go inside, Finny," I said again. "Now!"

I spoke louder and more sharply than I ever did with Finny. She flinched before jumping to her feet to stomp off toward the tent. I squeezed my eyes shut and released a forceful exhale. When I reopened my eyes, I rounded on Niako.

He had risen to his feet, and he watched me with an unfathomable mixture of emotions playing across his face.

"What plan?" I demanded.

Niako glanced at the guards. Then he took a few steps toward me and lowered his voice. "Do you remember the Serving Ceremony, Toom?"


"You will like the Day of Truth less."

Despite the heat hanging heavy in the air, cold prickled over my scalp. "Why?"

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