To the graveyard of a friend (part 1)

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Warning, Im American, and have never had to go to a family members grave, so Im sorry if this is not accurate to what you/they do for the dead in Japan. Don't kill me if I get this wrong.

"Its sad that almost everyone wasn't was available to come this year." T.K said, climbing the steps, with Kari and Gotomon ahead of him, with Patamon on his head. Kari nodded sadly at the thought.

"Its because everyone else is busy with getting ready for college, and having to visit their Digimon every weekend, with this week, they're Digimon visiting them. I guise you can't blame them." Kari answered quietly, not happy about the situation either. Gotomon looked sadly at her partner, griping the flowers tighter. They all looked up at the t.v station, now run by T.K and Matts dad. They had asked if they could have the room for them to pay there respects.

"Do you think they'll come later?" T.K asked. Kari shook her head, starting to head up the stars to get to the top. Gatomon jumped up on to Kari, curling around her shoulders. Kari looked at her confused, but then softly laughed.

"Good kitty." Kari purred, scrating Gatomon behind the ear. Patamon looked down on to T.K, and they both smiled as well. T.K ran, catching up to Kari on the stairwell. Kari looked behind her, seeing T.K's positive face. She smiled slightly. They had only been dating for about a year now, but they still very much enjoyed each others company.

They started reaching the top, and memory's started popping up. Kari wipped her eyes, not wanting to get too terry. They had to go to one more place after this, and she knew if she started crying her, she wouldn't stop until the sun set. They finally reached the top, and Kari slowly reached to open the door to go to grave her and the rest of the digidestened made. Kari finally grabbed the door handle, and opened it, reviling inside the almost empty room, with just one thing sticking out from it.

T.K and Kari walked over to Wizardmon's shrined. It was next to the window, which made it that you could see were he was killed. It was clean, and had some purple flowers, which meant that someone else had been here earlier.

"Ken and Davis must of come earlier. Ever since they started dating, they want to do everything together." T.K laughed slightly. Kari smiled slightly, laghing a little from his comment. Gotomon jumped down from Kari's scholders, still holding the black purple flowers, with the petals faning out, making them look like the sun. The ends were even the color of his staff.

Kari put her hand on the back of Gotomon's head, helping her forward. T.K and Patamon were behind the two, as they knew that Kari and Gotomon needed space. Gotomon placed the flowers on the altar, and she and Kari stared praying.

"We don't know if you were reborn and returned to the digital world after it got rebooted, but if you did, we will wait, but also search for you. Plese come back to us if you can. If you can't, rest in peace my friend." Kari and Gotomon said sadly, saying the same lines when they came here ever since the reboot. Nobody liked the reboot, nor did anyone want it to happen again. Everything has finally gone back to normal, but with a few pluses. Meiko started dating Tai (for the other tai/sora shippers who are reading this, I am sorry. I ship Sora and Tai as well, but we have to face the fact they're not canon. But I will do something for you, just wait), and Sora finally was true to her feelings from all the events of the reboot and virus, and started dating Matt. Same with Izzy and Mimi.

We finally met Joe's girlfriend, and we sill can't believe she's not make believe. Yolei had started dating as well, though we didn't know with who. Same with Cody. But that wasn't it.

Leomon had also returned, and he and Goblinmon finally started getting along. Plus all the other good Digimon, like Pumkinmon and Guostsmon. It seems that the bad digamous data didn't return though. But sadly, Wizardmon still hasn't returned, and Kari and Gotomon have been looking for him ever since.

Kari stayed in the praying piston for a little bit longer, then started standing up, when something caught her eye on the alter. She looked down at where she thought she saw something shiny. She looked over at were it was ling on the alter. It was a projection, which showed the sun that was on Wizardmons staff. On the projection, it showed that the sun had the dark spot, which usually indicated that it was night time, but the sun was shining. But at the vary bottom, it showed the yellow coming up, which meant it was becoming day time.

"Whats going on?" T.K asked confused, after he had looked over Kari shoulder, trying to find out why she stopped. When he saw what Gotomon and Kari were goking at, he froze too, confused. Kari finally spoke.

"Is it a sign?" She asked. Right as she asked, like it was on cu, a message appeared in front of it. When the darkness of the sun is filled with light in the place he rests, and the one in his home, he will rise again, anew, whole, and the light will guide him to you. He will bring with him a new power, a snowflake of  ice and light, and with that, he will be fully restored. But if the sky becomes darkness, then he will be gone forever.

Kari read it over more than need twice, and each time, her blossom of hope expand. She knew what she needed to do, and if she did it right, she would see him again.

"What is it talking about?" T.K and Patamon asked, who both hadn't under stood the riddle. But Gotomon and Kari looked at each other and nodded, for they both understood.

"This riddle explains how we can bring Wizardmon back, along with one other apparently. It seems all we have to do is fill this sun with light, and the one in the digital world, and the light will show us the way to were Wizardmon is revived. But if we don't finish it by night time, we will never see him again." Gotomon explained. Kari croched down, holding her hands like she was praying. She closed her eyes, breathed out, and imaged the light that is her becoming a beam, and shooting in to the black part of the sun. Just like she imagined, the light shot out, filling the darkness. It filled up, becoming fully sunny. Kari smiled tiompfitliy, then started falling back wards.

"Kari!" T.K and Gotomon yelled. They both chaght her before she hit the ground. Her eyes were closed for a few seconds, but then she opened them, reliving all of them.

"What happened?" T.K asked worriedly. Kari sat up, and shook her head, trying to get all the fluff out. Then she turned to T.K, as Gotomon climbed into her lap.

"I must have used all my energy." She answered, standing up. T.K stood up swell, still looking worried.

"Im fine now T.K. I won't push my self past my limit, I promise."

T.K nodded, knowing Kari wouldn't go back on her word.

"What do we do now?" T.K asked. Kari looked around, until she saw out the window a computer in the other room. She took out her digivise, and when T.K saw that, he did as well.

"Now." She said, eyes on that computer with determination, "We head to the digital world."

To be continued...

I hope you like it! Sorry for not posting in a wille. Im going on vacation for a little bit by that, I mean a week, with no internet :(, so I won't be able to work on my storys. Plese forgive me. I hope you enjoyed the story!

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