To the graveyard of a friend part 2

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Kari raced down the the steps, Gotomon on her shoulder, and T.K and Patamon on her heel. She reached the bottom of the stairs, and looked around franticly, looking for a way into the digital world.

"Kari!" T.K yelled, pointing over to t.v station. That his dad was the leader of. So they could go in with no problem. Kari quickly blushed, relizing and wondering how she missed that. She quickly said thanks, then ran in, running over to a computer that was still on. The people they passed let them go, not really wanting to wonder why the bosses kid and his girlfriend were in the building.

"Digiport open!" T.K yelled, holding up his digivice. All four of them were sucked in, and after a few flashes of light, they found themselves in the place that was like second home to them. Well, for half of them. Gotomon and Patamon sucked in the sunlight, and familiar terrain of their home. The two digidesteneds cloths, luckily didn't change on entering.

Kari looked around, mumbling the riddle under her breath. She looked around, like she was trying to find out what the riddle meant. T.K looked at his girlfriend with sadness, not knowing how to intrepid the riddle either. Until it hit him.

"Kari, isn't it that the riddle started at were Wizardmon died, and were his grave was?" T.K asked, making Kari think for a little bit. Then what he realized hit her too.

"Wizardmons grave in the digital world." Kari answered, looking at the direction of the grave. She turned towards her boyfriend, a smile on her face.

"Lets go see if this will bring us to what we can do to get Wizardmon back." Kari said, running towards the graves, her Digimon on her shoulder, and T.K and Patamon right behind her. They, luckily enough, entered into the digital world very close to were his grave was, so they only traveled a little far.

The grave was on top of a hill, which was part of a mountain for dead Wizards and spell casters called "Spirit Mountain.". The hill its self was called "Sorceress and Wizards mount.". The will had a lone tree on the top, its branches flourishing with leaves, casting a shadow for how ever was underneath it, and under the tree was two graves. One of which was Wizardmon's.

Wizardmons grave, though nothing was marking it, still made all of them a little misty eyed. On the grave, leaning on it, was Wizardmons hat. And in the shadow of the grave, his staff. Kari went up to the grave, and started looking around.

T.K, on the other hand, walked over to the grave right next to Wizardmons. Just like Wizardmons, a staff and hat were at the grave. But it was different. The hat was wight and blue, and the staff, instead of being a sun, was a light blue snowflake.

"I found it!" Kari yelled, making T.K look up for the over grave. Kari was on her knees, praying again, right in front of his staff, which now T.K could see was almost completely black. Gotomon was looking very worried, along side Patamon. He came behind Kari, his arms out to catch her. Kari looked back at him, confused.

"If you fall, I'll catch you." T.K answered, making Kari nod, and going back to her praying position. Light started to amanita from her, making her look as beautiful as when T.k first realized he liked her. The light started fading, and Kari slumped into his arms, sleeping soundly.

The sun was now completely fulfilled, making the riddle completely. But nothing happened. T.K looked over at the two Digimon, and he could tell that they were also waiting for something.

"Maybe it takes a little bit" Gotomon said. T.K nodded my head, trying to believe her. But after ten minutes passed, T.K was starting to pail. And so we're the two Digimon.

"We completed the riddle, so we're is he." Y.K heard his Digimon mumble. Gotomon had tears in her eyes, knowing what was going on. But she couldn't say anything. Her partner would be devastated if this was for nothing, that they just got there hopes up just to be destroyed. But it seemed they would have too, for his girlfriend was starting to sitire awake. T.K closed his eyes, getting ready to say the most hart reaching thing. But before he could, a flash of light a lumnatated everything.

T.K covered his eyes, same with all the Digimon. After the glow lessened, the three opened their eyes, and they all started having tears fall down their face. For standing before them, was Wizardmon, and a blue Wizardmon.

Sorry its shorter then my other pieces, but two parts is kinda short for a book , so I wanted to make it three. Hope you enjoy this, because the next one is the last!

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