Will you be mine?

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"I love you!"

Shock crossed his face. He had no idea how this would end up.

The moment Iwa said that, his lips were against Iwa's lips. He loved having that feeling again.

The moment we became friends I fell in love with you. But, all the girls were all over you. I was so jealous! I kept myself separated from Oikawa. Every single girl was head over heels and never left your sight. I was always in the corner watching you. Out of everyone in our friend group I knew you the most. I - I love you so much Oikawa.

Moments later after that kiss, Oikawa was speechless. He had everything planned but instead Iwaizumi jumped onto it instead. He has never been this happy in his whole entire life.

" I- Iwaaaa Channn." Oikawa said while about to sob.

Iwa giggled a little. "Yes Oikawa," he said.

" I - I love you soooo much."🥺😭 Oikawa cried even more.

" I love you too, you idiot. Now, come over here." Iwa said.

Iwaizumi kissed him and Oikawa kissed him back and it was an amazing time for both of them. They never wanted to let go of each other ever again. Their love is so inseparable. Now that they are finally together they will never let go of each other.

"God damn you Iwaizumi you had to ruin my plan, fuck you," Kunimi said angerly.

"Oi *slaps his head* be quiet they're gonna hear you," Matsukawa replied back to him harshly.

"Fine, also... when did you come back here?" Kunimi said, wondering.

"Well when did you come back?" Matsukawa asked back.

"I came back home from college like last week," he stated.

"Oh right I forgot you went to college."

"Why the hell is everyone saying that to me!"

"Because no one took you seriously." Matsukawa said while slapping the back of his head.


{I'm finally done with the book. Thank you so much for reading this and I'm glad that you guys enjoyed it. If you have any suggestions of what else to write I'll happily do them! 😁 Thanks again.}

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