Chapter 11

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"I love you too mom. I know, I know, take the medicine after I eat. Talk to you later. Thanks, bye," I said hanging up the phone.

It was the night before the first day of school and somehow....I had caught a tiny cold. My nose was runny, my sneezes were huge, I blew my nose every ten seconds, I had a headache, and my cough made it sound like I had been a former smoker! But thanks be to God that my mom is a pharmacist. She called in a prescription right away and my dad delivered it to me afterwards.

I curled up in a blanket on my bed. I felt horrible. Why did this have to happen now?!

Kaylin put her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her. "Do you want me to bring you back some soup?" She sweetly asked.

"I though you weren't allowed to bring food back to the dorm?" I questioned her.

"My aunt is the manager of the whole cafeteria building, I'm sure she could make an exception." Kaylin winked.

I weakly smiled. "Thank you," said I.

"It's no biggie," Kaylin smiled perkily.

As she left the room, I slowly stood up and moved over to my desk. There, I opened up my journal to a blank page. Then, I began to write about the day.

"My last day before finally starting college," I wrote,"began with a devotional, and ending with a virus. Also, to be honest, the middle of the day was quite....reflective. I forgave and now I'm trying to forget about Jeremy McDougal. He first spilt pasta on me, then apologized, then accidentally called me beautiful, and lastly he tried to ask me out on a date. I know I made the right decision by saying 'no', but still I felt bad while saying it. What if God is punishing me for making the wrong choice? Or what if Satan is torturing me for making the right one? Even though I can't tell which one is true at the moment, I know one thing for sure. Either in one way or another, this while mess is going to plan out to God's amazing plan...No matter how many bumps I hit along the way."

I put my journal up and then climbed back under my bed sheets. When Kaylin came back, I thanked her about a hundred times. Then I ate the chicken tortilla soup, took my medicine, and silently drifted off to sleep.

Those (Un)charming College Years <Part 1 of 4>Where stories live. Discover now