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My name is Rosella Angelique Mystique. I am the daughter of Lord Raymond Mystique - a Gifted Original - and Lady Lilith Adriana Monroe-Mystique - a Pureblood witch. My father met my mother during the Founder's times and I was born soon after. For the next 15 years life was perfect, but of course nothing stays perfect forever...

You see it was a terrible time to be a born female Gifted Original, as some people (Felix Diego and his 'followers') feared that we would be a danger to their way of life (basically some male Gifted Originals liked being in control).

One day all hell broke lose, forcing my parents to send me forward in time. My father sent me into 1469 with the final words: Never stop moving.

So I kept moving, never staying in one place for more than 10 years...

Unfortunately that didn't stop stop a certain 'Light' wizard from putting me in an eternal slumber for almost 50 years, 48 years to be specific, back in 1964. Thanks for that asshole, now you broke the Gifted Accords.

AN: Still working on some stuff. Will explain what type of 'beings' Gifteds and Gifted Originals are soon. June 20.

[Update: I noticed there was some inconsistencies with my story timeline...fixed it, will fix Chapter 1 also. June 25]

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