Chapter 21

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[I'm keeping Rose at 16, so deal with that weird fact. Wait that means she would be 19 in her final year...*facepalms* I hate myself.]

Rose's POV

November 2016

At the end of November, Gryffindor won the match against Ravenclaw and Draco couldn't be happier. Considering that he desperately wants to kick Harry's arse, I can understand why although I hardly care much about Quidditch to share his excitement.

Another Hogsmeade trip was due on the last weekend of term and I was on my way to the RoR to meet up with Fred and George to inform them that they should hand over the Map to Harry, as it would be quite useful to him, even if it means I couldn't use the Map anymore. Besides, it's by birthright Harry's since Sirius told me that he, James and Remus were the ones who created the genius invention.


At the Room of Requirement

"I still can't get over the fact that we finally found this place, thanks to Draco, of course!" exclaimed George.

"Hmm. Let's keep this short, boys. I would like to be in my common room before curfew ends," I said and they both focused on me while taking a seat in one of the couches provided.

"The Map. It's time to hand it over to Harry, it's his by birthright anyways," I continued and both of them frowned. "How is the Marauders Map his by birthright?! We don't know who the Marauders are, and we've searched everywhere for clues!" said Fred and I smirked.

"Oh, I know who the Marauders are/were. Prepare for the shock of your lives boys. Moony is Remus Lupin, Padfoot is Sirius Black, Prongs was James Potter and Wormtail is Peter Pettigrew," I revealed with a smirk, putting venom on Pettigrew's name.

"WHAT?!" Fred shouted in disbelief.

"HOW DID YOU FIND THAT OUT?!" George yelled at me.

"Thank you for the headache, assholes. Now, calm down. Yes, it's true. I found out from Sirius Black, turns out he's been framed for betraying James and Lily Potter and he never was on Voldemort's side, but on the Light's side. Also, Peter Pettigrew isn't dead, long story. Now, when are you planning to give Harry the Map?" I snapped and they took a few minutes to compose themselves.

"We'll give it either the night before the Hogsmeade Trip or the morning of the Hogsmeade Trip, we'll see when we can get him alone," said Fred and looked at his brother. "What now?" I asked impatiently.

"Speaking of Harry, we overheard him talking to Granger and our brother. Apparently Dumbledore thought it was a great idea for Harry to learn the Patronus Charm over the holidays, Professor Lupin is going to be teaching him," answered George cautiously.

"WHAT?! HAVE THEY LOST THEIR MINDS?! Wait, it's Dumbledore. Of course he wants Harry to learn that spell, another way to keep Harry loyal to the so called 'Light' and I bet Harry doesn't even know what the effects of that spell can do to his Magic Affinity!" I roared and the twins looked at me with confused looks on their faces. I sighed frustratingly and rubbed my temples.

"It's a long story, which we don't have time for and I'd rather explain this once to all of you rather than repeating it individually, but in short, that particular spell doesn't get taught until seventh year for a reason and Dumbledore doesn't give a fuck. I'm going to bed, I'd advise you two to do the same. Don't get caught. See you tomorrow at the Black Lake during lunch," I explained before exiting the RoR and heading towards the Slytherin Common Room.


Saturday morning, Hogsmeade weekend,Room nearby the statue of the one-eyed witch

Fred's POV

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