Chapter 11

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The Polyjuice incident

[A/N: I'm going to change Draco's character a bit, in this story, he doesn't use the term 'Mudblood' often and usually doesn't care about Muggle-borns. So he doesn't outright hate them but still doesn't care about them either. Out in public, he can still be seen as a 'Pureblood fanatic' but back in the safety of the Slytherin Common Room, he doesn't talk about his father's beliefs much. BUT he still believes that most of the Weasleys are blood traitors (with the exception of Fred and George).  Also, I'll be showing Rose's point of view regarding Muggle-borns. If you've read 'Lord of Time' then you should be familiar with this theory. Also also, I'm giving Harry and Ron a little bit more time with the Polyjuice Potion, you'll see why.]

The day after the Duelling Club there was another attack, a double attack this time, Nearly Headless Nick and - surprise, surprise - Justin Finch-Fletchley...things are not looking good for Harry at all. And there is nothing I can do to help him without exposing my true Heritage and identity. La naiba! Why is this happening again? More importantly HOW is this happening again? The only other known Parcelmouth is Tom Riddle (Voldemort) himself and he can't come near the castle without possessing another person from Hogwarts. Not that it would've happened so soon, considering the damage Harry caused to him last year AND Dumbledore is being more cautious with the Professors this year, at least I hope the old fool is more alert this year, regarding people who can be possessed.

It doesn't help that Fred and George are making a total joke about it, for appearance's sake, of course, to support Harry and keep his mind of off the fearful eyes and judgemental whispers behind Harry's back. One thing I have noticed is that Ginny Weasley seemed a bit on edge, more so than the rest of the school. Hmm. The Weasleys are Purebloods, no reason to be on edge all the time. Curious, very curious. I'll have to keep an eye on her for now, somethings up with her and the rest of the Weasley Clan obviously can't see it. Percy might, but he's probably just worried about her.

As I was, casually, walking towards my next class I caught a piece of a very interesting conversation between the Golden Trio.

"It's because Malfoy's bursting to say it's really him. You know how he hates anyone beating him at anything, and you're getting all the credit for his dirty work," Weasel said with hatred.

Hmm, what are they accusing Draco of now?

"Not for long," said Granger satisfied. "The Polyjuice Potion's nearly ready. We'll be getting the truth out of him any day now."

Polyjuice?! They're going to try and get into the Slytherin Common Room! Hmm, what to do, what to do...I know, I'll just hang around Draco for the next week or so, at least then I'll know what they're going to accuse him of. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought he was behind the attacks. Honestly, for the brightest witch of the century, Granger can be really stupid sometimes. Oh well, it's not like they know how to open the Chamber or what the 'Monster' is, can I really blame them?

Yule (Christmas) evening after dinner at the Slytherin Common Room

"Hey, Rose? I'm going to look for Crabbe and Goyle, they should've been here by now," said Draco suspiciously. "Hmm? Ok, be careful. Don't run into the Golden Trio while your out," I said distractedly, not looking up from my book I was currently reading for research purposes. He snorted. "As if! I'm not letting them ruin what's left of Yule! I'll be back soon," Draco replied and left soon afterwards.

15 minutes later Draco returned with Crabbe and Goyle in tow...wait...since when does Goyle wear glasses?! Hmm, something tells me the long-awaited confrontation between Draco and the Golden Trio is finally happening, better start paying attention to them.

"You will not believe where I found them, Rose! They were being cornered by Percy Weasley. Good thing I went looking for them, huh?" Draco said.

"Hmm. I suppose," I said cautiously. Soon Draco showed then the blasted Daily Prophet article about Mr Weasley and 'Crabbe's' face morphed into a look of rage.

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