LA's Griffith Park

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The Griffith park is one of American's largest Urban parks, its 4,210 acres of rubble strewn mountains rocky trails and chaparral covered slopes. It is beleived that Griffith park is cursed since the parks beginnings. In the mid 19th century the park was a vast wealthy ranch that belonged to a rich bachelor, Don. A. Feliz. Feliz lived in the ranch with his housekeeper and niece Petranilla. In 1863 Feliz lay in bed dying of smallpox, a local polition Antonio Coronel came to make Feliz's will, Conronel and his lawyer say that Feliz left the ranch to the politician and Petranilla was left nothing. People claim that a stick was attatched to Feliz head and Coronel  forced his head to nod as well as read aloud his approval  Patrilla got mad and cursed the land "The substance of the Feliz family shall be your curse! The wrath of heaven and the vengeance of hell shall fall upon Griffith park ranch" according to legend this is what Petrilla swore the curse is now 150 years old. The curse may be nothing but a myth, but its true that the ranch would become the apart of changing hand of  Griffith Park, it has changed rapidly over 30 years. Many owner of the ranch in the past 30 years kept meeting nasty fates. Corenel ceded the property to his lawyer, who was sadly shot and killed while celebrating a sale he made on water rights on the land, the next owner tried to turn the ranch into a dairy buissness but the cattle got sickly and died as well as the grasshoppers and fires destroying the crops. The last owner Giffith J, got in a lightning storm and brought down huge trees and sent a wall of water throught the canyons, destroying a mojority of the ranch. People say they see Feliz's "ghost" riding down the waves of a hillside cheering. 

Griffith would visit the property during the day and in 1896 he decided that the land was more trouble then its worth, so he donated it to Los Angeles as a christmas gift. In public hands, the misfortunes of Griffith Park seem to have recede, but the rumors have not. Felizes' curse has been blamed for 29 Civilian Conservation Corps workers who died in 1933 in the wildlife. In 1979, there was a couple, they were sat at a pinic bench making love when suddenly a tree branch crushed them. This unfortunate event only added to the tales of the place being haunted. 

In 2002, Griffith Park's Chief Ranger Albert Torres scoffs at the notion of visitors who think their only fear the undead inhabitants, "Frankly I'm not afraid of any make believe demons as much as I am of the living and breathing human monsters that come here. If you knew even a quarter of the stuff, we find within the park's perimeter you'd never set foot in it again. Animal sacrifices, santnic cults, murders and  prostiution... With stuff like that happening on a regular basis is makes a pair of 30 year old ghosts look like good times." 

In 2010 hikers found a man's skull on the park's skyline trail, athorities say the skull is likely had been in the park for roughly two years. An exhausive search has shown not other remains, to this day the mysteries of other remains founs in the park are still sady unsolved.

In 2012, two women were walking their dog when they made a gruesome discovery, on one of the hiking trails below the Hollywood sign, was a severed head, wrapped in a plastic bag. A day later investigators searched the crime scene and found more body parts, such as a right hand and feed burried in a shallow grave. The left hand was found hours after. A fingerprint test identified that the remains belonged to a 66 year old Hervey, Medellin, who was a former Mexicana Airlines employee, but no one has found the person who wanted him dead. Rumors say that Medellin was a former member of a Mexican drug Cartel, or a victim of a Canadian cannibal killer who is also accused of dismembering and eating a Chinese gratuate 

It has taken police three years to convict anyone of this heinous act, the real killer they claim to be Medellin's boyfriend Gabriel Campos- Martinez, who prosecutors say, Martinez,  searched the internet on "how to butcher a human carcass for human consumption." The day after Medellin was seen alive. Campos Martinez is now in prison serving 25 years to life sentence. 

last year another man's body was found in the park, the body belonged to a 24 year old who had been convicted for meeting up with minors and having sex with them. The LA County Coromer's Office said that is was a suicide. 

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