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Reporter: The 18-years old boy, named Jeon Jungkook is still gone and no one know where he is. The police says that he can been murdured, but its not clear. Keep your eyes open and if you find him, report the police.

A picture was shown beside the reporter. And- I gasped.

Me: T-Thats Kookie?

Jimin: Exactly! We have something to track down! "Kookie" has been gone! His real name is Jeon Jungkook !!!! 

Now I understood almost everything. 

Me: But what the hell, why was he a rabbit a few days ago? There I do not understand a crap of that topic. 

Jimin nodded slowly.

 Jimin: Yes, yes ... But how do we do with Jungkook? They say that if we see him we should call the police and say that we found him! 

I shook firmly and was about to say something when I suddenly realized that the food was still on the stove. I gasped and rushed into the kitchen, which luckily nothing had happened. Jimin came in right after me. 

Jimin: Owh, the food ... What were you saying before? 

Me: I would say: No. We should not say that we found him until we have listed everything, and understand the whole thing. 

Jimin looked doubtful but then he sighed and nodded. 

Jimin: If you say it's the best, then that's it. 

I smiled and hugged Jimin. 

Me: Thanks for understanding. 

Jimin: Why wouldn't I understand my own cousin?

 I smiled and looked back at the food again. When I was done with the food, I told jimin to go and get Jungkook. He wanted to go to the guest room. I sat down on a chair to wait for them, and minutes went by .. Where are they ??? I decided to go and look for where Jungkook and Jimin were. But just as I got up, they came out of the guest room. 

Me: Where have you been? 

Jimin: He didn't want to come out at first ... 

I raised my eyebrows. 

Me: Not? Why? 

Jungkook just shruggle. 

Me: Jungkook, are you ok? 

Jungkook nodded. 

Me: Why don't you talk? 

Jungkook shrugs again. Something smells fishy here .... 

Me: Aish! Let's eat guys! 

They nodded and we sat down and started eating. After eating, it was time to go to bed, or at least me. Jimin had to go and now only the apartment was alone with me and Jungkook. I said good night to Jungkook, who did not answer but whatever, so I just went into my room and closed the door.


I woke up at 2am because I heard a thump from the living room. I just ignore it first, thinking it might be something that fell down or something. But after a while I heard footsteps. But not just a few steps, but several! I was breathing fast and my heart was beating hard against my chest. What happens? I decided to just lie still.

 After a while everything was completely silent. Too quiet. I slowly got out of bed, without making a sound I snuck out of the room, opened the door and stepped out. It was carbon black, so I lit the ceiling. Suddenly, my door slammed on a strong gust of wind. I didn't have a window open? I sneaked out into the living room and gasped at the sight. The large window next to the sofa was fully open and four footsteps were located below.

My heart beat hard with fear as I walked toward the window, but stopped when I noticed that I was stepping on something. I looked down and saw a sort of button. I picked up the button and saw that it belonged to one of Jin's cozy pants. 


I ran toward the guest room and opened the door hard. I looked around the room and saw no reason there. 

Jungkook was gone.

(BTS: Please coment how you think about the story!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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