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*Jin's POV*

The incessant music, the multicoloured strobe lighting, the crowds of people, they were all starting to piss me off.

I was on vacation in New York with my best friend, Jimin, and his family. Tonight was a night I hadn't particularly been looking forward to, but Jimin had insisted we hit up at least one nightclub during our stay here.

After some arguing, I had eventually agreed to go along with him.

His parents didn't know we were at a club, of course. We'd (more like Jimin)convinced them that we'd joined a new reading group, and miraculously, they had believed us. I've never seen Jimin open a book out of interest in the last 5 years.

I was starting to wish we really did join a book club.


Everyone was drunk.

Or high.

Or both.

I didn't want to be bitter, but it was no fun being the sober one.

I slumped against a counter, sighing. Jimin was way more into the party screen than I was. Maybe it was the element of being in a place where I didn't know anyone that made me so eager to leave this place.

I was suddenly aware of someone standing behind me. I grit my teeth, and turned around. "Can I help you?" I asked, frowning.

The brown eyed, blonde haired guy stares back at me, an annoying little smirk on his lips. "Hey, I'm Taehyung, but call me Tae, and you're-"

"Handsome. Yeah. I've heard this shitty pick up line before."

Besides, I didn't really feel 'handsome' at all. I was fully wearing casual. I had my black tight jeans and a casual black and black shirt tucked in.

"Ooh, feisty," Tae comments. "So can I buy you a drink?"

I tell him exactly where he can stick his drink.

"I'm only trying to be friendly," Tae pouts. I sighed. He's right, I shouldn't take my frustrations out on him. Plus, he's sort of cute.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, sighing again. I force a smile, and took his hand, pulling him towards the crowd of dancing people.

Jimin spots me, and winks, and I roll my eyes.

Jimin had been worried about the fact that I'd never had a one night stand forever, claiming it was a 'vital part of my development'.

Crazy, right?

As we get to the dance floor, thankfully, a slow song started before I could embarrass myself by dancing to a slow one.

Suddenly, Tae pulled me against him - way too close.

I tried to console myself with the thought that as as this song was over, I could make some excuse, and escape. I loved Jimin, but I wasn't willing to suffer any more here.

About a minute into the song, I could feel his erection against my stomach.

I groaned, my disgust coming through. Tae obviously thought it was a moan of pleasure, because he pulled me even tighter to him, grinding against me.

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