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*Jungkook's POV*

I froze.

Because what else do you do when you realize that you've completely lost it?

You fucking freeze.

Apparently, I was hearing voices in my head now.

Well, just one. Jin's.

Because he couldn't be here, at the door, asking me to let him in, because he didn't know I was staying at Namjoon's.


Did I really go this crazy?

If it was him, how would this look? The fact that I was staying in a guy's apartment? Especially, the same guy that had made it clear that he had a thing for me.

Was Jin here to tell me that I was an insensitive, cheating dick and that I should never contact him again?

It was a possibility.

I made my legs move towards the door, putting my hand on the handle and yanking it open.

And as I saw him standing there, in front of me, I let out a long sigh. And it was like I hadn't been able to breathe properly until now. And now I could.

"J-Jin," I rasped, my voice breaking half-way through his name.

He looked at me for a long time, and then his bottom lip quivered in the way it did when he was upset, and he started to cry.

I took another step towards him, wrapping my arms around him, cradling him in a way I hadn't been able to do that day when everything had been ruined.

"I'm sorry," I whispered into his ear, keeping him in my arms, but stepping into the apartment so that I could shut the door. "I'm so, so sorry Jinnie, " I repeated, my voice shaking as I talk.

"Don't be," he choked out, his hands wrapped around my waist.

Jin buried his entire face near my neck, and I felt his entire frame shake as sob after sob wracked through him.

And I just held him. Just held him until he felt okay again.

Jin looked up at me, and I saw that he looked so pale.

Jin's hair was messy, his lips pink, his eyes big and brown and he still looked handsome.

"I'm sorry," I whispered again. I really hurt this precious human being. I was truly the worst. Hurting everyone who meant the world to me.

Jin shook his head. "No, really..y-you don't need to be. I..I just.. I mean I don't k-know why I'm crying.."

He took a deep breath, wiping at his tears with the cuff of his sleeve, and then looked up at me. I looked back at him, staring into his eyes.

And then... It was like something just snapped. Like some kind of time bomb went off.

Because suddenly, his lips were crushed against mine, and he was backed up against the wall.

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