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*Jin POV*

"Alright," Yoongs said, yanking the Wii remote out of my hands. "Care to explain what the fuck you're doing?"

He had a point, I guess. I had been aimlessly driving back and forth since I started playing Mario Kart. Now I was repeatedly slamming my go-cart into a wall.


"What do you mean?" I asked in the same emotionless voice I had been using for exactly three weeks, two days. Since everything had ended. When Jungkook and I had our fight during our date. Now it was all just over.

"You know what I mean. You're not even playing properly. You've been driving backwards for ages."

I shrugged. "So?"

"What's wrong with you?"

I raised my head from the television screen to give him a cold glare, and the turned back to the screen.

After I had gotten home that day, my mom and dad had screamed at me until I started crying again. Around then, Yoongs got home, and my dad had to physically restrain him from going out to Namjoon's apartment and ending Jungkook's life. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. Yoongi was just that mad.

He had cooled down a lot since then. He was okay-ish now. He never talked about Jungkook anymore, and things were almost normal between us.

"It's not him, is it?"

"Him" was how my family referred to Jungkook.

I swear, I'm living with eight year olds.

I held my hand out towards him. "Can I have the game controller back please?" I worked to put some feeling into my voice. It didn't work.

"Jin, look, I know Jungk.. him. I've known him for much longer than you, and I know that he doesn't do 'love'. He just likes to fuck and forget. Just forget about him."

Even though they knew about me going to see Jungkook, they didn't know about the fight. Or the fact that we broke up. And I wasn't telling them. I didn't need an "I told you so".

Because they did tell me that he was using me. I was warned.

"I can't 'forget about him', Yoongi,". I said acidly, reaching my the game controller again. He held it out of my reach.

I sighed, and got up, heading upstairs. I really didn't need this.

"You really miss him?"

"What do you think?"


I ignored him, halfway up the stairs already.

I picked up my phone from my dresser, scrolling through it for Jimin's number. My phone was more of a clock in my pocket nowadays. My social life had dwindled into non-existence quite a while ago, actually.

Jimin was the only person allowed in the house, due to my grounding. Mostly because he wouldn't ever agree to staying away from the house.

After two rings, Jimin  picked up. "Jin?"

"Yep." I always felt a little better while talking to Jimin.

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