Chapter 3

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I went to Strength and we listened to Mr. Hamond talk for what seemed like hours and then we picked our lockers. I picked a purple one. Purple is my favorite color.

Most of the girls picked the pink lockers and when those were all gone, they picked the purple ones. I didn't recognize anybody in my class. Thank Goodness! 

I put my running shoes and my gym clothes in my locker and walked out of the locker room. I also needed to buy some deotorant and perfume for my locker. Sometimes it wears off when I am really active.

That class went by fast and I had to check my schedule to see where I had to go next. Advanced Calculus. Okay. This will be interesting, because I have it with almost all sophomores. 

That means that I have to walk twice as far because the sophomore classes are by the sophomore dorms. Not the freshman dorms. I know I'll have a textbook for this class. Maybe it's close to my next class. 

I checked my schedule again. California History/Government. Nope, that is another freshman class, in the freshman building.

Oh well. I walked over to the sophomore building and for the first time in my life, I was nervous about something, other than soccer. I realized that I seemed small and unimportant to everybody else. I just showed my opponents what I could do in soccer. That won't work this time. 

Looks like I have to try and make some friends or stay way to the sidelines. Who was I to be scared on my first day of college? Well actually most people are. Most of them miss their families. 

I kind of miss my family, but I miss my brothers the most. My parents never wanted me to play soccer and they disapproved of my scholarship! They wanted me to say no and quit soccer. I wouldn't even be here without a scholarship.

I can't just quit something that I'm good at and something that I love. They thought soccer was too much of a hassel and they freak out that I will never get married. First, why would they care. Second, it's none of their concern. Third, I'm just waiting for the right guy to come around. I feel like I'll know it's him when I see him.

The bad thing is, I have a feeling he isn't at this college.

I sat down in my classroom, in my assigned seat. Turns out, there are five more freshman in my class. Jamie, one of Lindsay's followers, and three other guys I've never seen before.

I don't know where Gabby sits because her name isn't anywhere. I don't know who is sitting next to me because there isn't a name tag on their desk either. Maybe I am sitting alone and maybe I can convince the teacher to let Gabby sit with me!

I was wrong. The teacher is a total witch. Her name is Mrs. Morroon. I heard a bunch of the sophomorea call her Mrs. Moron. This will be a weird class. She took attendence and she said that somebody was going to be sitting by me and that they weren't avaliable yet.

Whatever that means. The rest of us had to come on time, why don't they? Gabby is stuck they most likely aren't. But I shouldn't jump to conclusions too quickly. Maybe they are stuck. Mrs. Morroon didn't say why they weren't here.

Then she gave us our textbooks and talked about this class. I feel kind of bad because I zoned out when she was talking. All I could think about was the mysterious person that was sitting next to me. Maybe they were totally hot or maybe they were a total geek. Maybe, just maybe, it was Gabby!

She wasn't avaliable at the moment either. I have to keep thinking positively, that it's Gabby sitting by me. 

When the bell rang, I left and ran to my dorm. I put my book down and walked to my History class. The teacher's name was Mrs. Lakeson. She seemed nice. I really wanted to get to Art though. I love Art almost as much as I love soccer.

The class went by fast and she was giving us our textbooks tomorrow so I just walked up the stairs and down the hall to my classroom.

Our teacher was Mr. Zimmer, and we were going to be doing a lot of fun things this semester. Gabby had this class with me, so that makes it even better.

He let us do whatever we wanted during our lunch break, as long as we come back at the right time. If we don't, well you don't want to know is what he told us.

Overall, he seems really nice. I had Taco Bell for lunch. Best lunch ever.

The only bad thing is, I have lunch with Lindsay, Hanna and the rest of Lindsay's clones. They were gossiping about the same guy all day long. 

I learned his name was Alexander Ludwig. I didn't reconize the name. I can google it tonight.

When class was over, I sprinted to my dorm and threw my stuff on my bed. I grabbed my soccer bag and ran to the field. I didn't care if we did something hard or physical that messed up my hair. Soccer was worth it! My curls were coming out anyway.

My coach, Mr. David Beckham, was only the best soccer player in the world! He told us to call him David. So, I did.

He said today we were just going to talk. Mostly about each other. He said that we needed to get to know each other better because we would be seeing a lot of each other lately. He also handed out sweatshirts and t-shirts with our last name and number on the back.

When we enrolled, we gave out size, last name, etc.... 

My number was 06! My high school number and just my favorite number. It's my favorite number because I was born on June 6th.

I put them in my soccer bag and started talking to some girls. We were talking for a while when he interupted us and told us to grab our bags and go because it was time to go to our next class.

Ug. Chemistry. I put down my soccer bag, grabbed my stuff and went to my class. I didn't pay any attention at all. I just grabbed my textbook and left.

I had Health next, but a voice over the intercom said that Health class was canceled and that we could go to our dorms and start doing whatever we needed to do.

Well that was weird, but I was glad to be done with school. I was exhausted.

I didn't have any homework or anything to do so I went shopping.

I couldn't have guessed who I would run into when I was there.

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