Hype house

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You and Jacob arrive at the hype house
You both walk in and see everyone sat in the living room
They all look at you
Th:finally your back and why have you brought him
Iz:leave him alone Thomas
Th:why I'm not letting you have boys over
Iz:I don't give a shit ok now leave us alone
You take Jacobs hand and take him upstairs and into your room
You close the door behind you and him
He sits on your bed
Iz:I'm sorry about him
Jc:it's fine
Iz: do you want to spend the night here
Jc:will I be allowed
Iz:yes coz they can't stop you
Jc:ok then
You both lay down on the bed and cuddle
After about 5 minutes Jacob falls asleep
You slowly get out of his arms and run downstairs
Everyone is still sat down there
You walk up to thomas
Iz:what the fuck thomas why the fuck would you be mean to him
Th:I'm not having this conversation with you
He stands up and goes to walk off
You stop him
Iz:tell me why you would be mean to him
Th:I told you I'm not having this conversation with you
Iz:well I am tell me
Th:izzy go back upstairs
Iz:no Thomas I want to know why you would be mean to him
You slap him and punch him
He has a bloody nose
Iz:don't be mean to him I'm helping him through something that he help me through.
Th:and what's that
Everyone is now watching you both
Iz:his brother just died and he's hurting so leave him alone no one else has a problem with him apart from you
Everyone goes silent
You walk back upstairs and walk into your room
Jacob is still sleeping
You close the door and go back on the bed
You slip back into Jacobs arms and hug him tightly
After about 10 minutes
Jacob wakes up
(Btw it's like 4pm now)
Iz:hey babe did you enjoy your nap
Jc:ye I kinda needed that
Iz:Ye Thomas won't bother you anymore
Iz:oh I just told him not to and maybe have him a nosebleed
Jc:you do know that's your dad
Iz:I know but I'm don't want him disrespecting my boyfriend
Jc:your too cute
He kisses you and you kiss back
After about 30 seconds you pull away
Iz:wanna watch Netflix
Jc:sure what you wanna watch
Iz:outer banks
You turn your tv on and turn on Netflix and put on outer banks

Half way through the series someone knocks on your door
Iz:who is it
Br:it's me Bryce
Iz:well go away
Iz:because I'm busy
Br:I've got your things
You stand up and walk to the door
You open the door
Br:I just needed an excuse to get you out your room Thomas wants you
Iz:tell him I'm not coming downstairs so all of you fuck off.
You slam the door in his face
Jc:who was that
He says as you walk back over to the bed
Iz:someone who doesn't live here
Jc:oh ok
Iz:his names Bryce hall and I hate him because he promised to get me cigarettes and he didn't
Jc:not everything's about cigarettes you know
Iz:I know but I'm stressed
Jc:we all are
Iz:anyway how are you after today
Jc:still not good I really miss him
Iz:everyone does
(Also Jacob doesn't have parents he used to live with jack and now he has to live on his own)
Jc:but now I have to live on my own and I really don't want to
Iz:well you don't have to
Jc:what do you mean
Iz:well you can stay here
Jc:what about everyone else
Iz:once they meet you they will like you and if they give you any shit tell me and I'll sort them out
Jc:ok I love you
Iz:I love you too
You just cuddle with him until 7pm
Iz:wanna order McDonald's I'm hungry
Jc:sure I'll pay
Iz:no you wont
You said grabbing a bunch of money from your pocket
Jc;where did you get that fr-never mind dont tell me
Iz;k now ,ets order
You both order a lot of food and after 10 minutes there is a knock at the door
You walk downstairs and see everyone sat in the living room
You ignore them and open the door
You see kadie
Iz;oh hey girl what's wrong
Ka:i did a bad thing
Iz;like what
She rolls. Up her sleeve and you see 5 deep cuts in her arm
Iz:oh my gosh kadie is this because of what happened to jack
She's crying and she nods
Iz;oh no kadie
You say hugging her
Then someone comes behind you
It's. kouvr
Ko:hey girls what's wrong
You stop hugging her and look at kouvr
Iz:oh nothing kadie is just here to see me and Jacob so lets go kadie
You grab her hand and run upstairs into your room
Jacob is on his phone when you close the door he looks at you and kadie
Jc:hey where's the food
Iz:that doesn't matter kadie has done something
He stands up
Jc:like what?
She rolls up her sleeve
Jacob looks shocked
Ka:I'm sorry
Jc:its fine just dont do it again
Iz:ye please dont this was all because of what happened with jack
You and kadie both nod
Jc;oh come here kadie
He said hugging her
After 1 minute they part
Iz:what do we do
Jc;we have to tell thomas or someone
You both look at kadie
Ka:no we cant tell anyone
Jc:but you have hurt yourself
Ka:i dont care
Iz;stop arguing kadie Jacobs right
Ka:fine we can only tell on person not everyone
Iz:ok i know we can tell kouvr we can trust her shes really nice
Ka:ok fine
You open the door and run downstairs
Thomas is in the living room
Iz:thomas where is kouvr i need to talk to her
You run into the kitchen and see kouvr eating
Iz;kouvr i need you
Iz:come to my room
She follows you upstairs and into your room
Once you are both in you close the door and lock it
Ko:so what's wrong
You nod at kadie
She rolls up her sleeve to show the scars
Ko:holy fuck!
Iz;what do we do
Ko:I'll have to put a bandage on them
Iz:just dont tell anyone when you go down and get the bandages
Ko:ok I won't
She walks out the room and you start stressing because of what Kadie had done to herself and about what happened to jack
Jc:calm down Izzy she won't tell anyone
Iz:it's not about that
Jc:then what is it
Iz:everything jack, Kadie hurting herself
Ka:I said I'm sorry
Iz:ye and that's fine but I'm still stressed about it aswell Jack was my best friend he was like a brother to me
You say starting to cry
Jacob comes over and hugs you
Jc:it's ok because he's looking down on us right now and he wouldn't want us to be sad he would want us to be celebrating his life
Iz:how can I do that though what about when we go back to school and I past by his locker everyday
Jc:me and Kadie will be right there with you we all miss him
Iz:I need air
Before anyone can say anything you run out the room and run downstairs still crying
You see tony and ondreaz
To:hey izzy what's wrong
He says when he sees you crying
Iz:nothing just have you seen my skateboard
On:Thomas has it
You walk to Thomas' room
You open the door and he is vlogging
Iz:can I have my skateboard
Th:I'm filming with it
Iz;don't care
He sees you crying
Th:what's wrong
Iz:nothing just give me my skateboard
You take it of him and walk out the room
You go to the front door and open it
You step out and close the door
You skate to jack and Jacob house

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