Jacobs house

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You all arrive at Jacobs house
You go up to the door and try to open it
Iz:it's locked
You kneel down and reach under the plant pot to get the spare key
But it wasn't there
Iz:that's weird the spare key isn't there but we need to get in
You start banging on the door
No one answers
You look at the group and they look scared
You run round the back of the house and they follow you
You get to the gate
You try open the gate door
But it's locked
Iz:Joe boost now
He boosts you over the fence
You jump onto the floor and walk over to the back door
Iz:go round the front
You hear footsteps and then they are gone
You open the back door
Iz:he's so stupid
You walk in the house and go to the front door
The keys are hanging up
You grab the keys and unlock the door
You let them in
They walk in and then you hear a loud bang from upstairs
You run upstairs and into Jacobs room
You see Jacob and some girl making out
You just walk out the room and run downstairs
They are all there
Jes:so is he ok?
Iz:ye just go look for yourself I'm going home
Then Jacob runs downstairs
Jc:what the fuck are you doing here izzy?
You turn around to face him
Iz:nothing I was just leaving
You open the front door
Jc:there must be a reason if you broke in
You look at him again
Iz:you know why I came here, I came here for you to see if you were doing drugs but no your just making out with a random girl in your bedroom. IM SORRY THAT I ACTUALLY CARED AFTER THE NAMES THAT YOU CALLED ME
You just turn around and walk out the house
While you are walking down the driveway you see a car pull up
And of course Thomas and Bryce walks out of it
They walk over to you
Th:why did you leave
Iz:because I can't take it anymore I can't take life anymore Thomas I'm sick of it all the arguing and fighting I just want to move away and die
Bryce hugs you
Th:you don't mean that
Iz:yes I do like my best friend died the other day now his brother is calling me a slut and a whore for no reason
Br:cmon let's just get you home
You all walk to the car
You are about to get in the car when Kadie shouts your name
You look and see her running towards you
You instantly run to her
You hug each other tight
Ka:I'm sorry izzy
Iz:it's fine I'm just not coming back to school for a while
Ka:I respect that
Iz:thank you
You both pull away
Iz:bye Kadie
Ka:bye Izzy
You turn around and walk back to the car
You get in the car and close the door
Thomas starts driving
You wave to kadie
She waved back
Bryce is in the back of the car with you
You lay your head on his shoulder and start to fall asleep

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