A few days later

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It is now 3 days later
You haven't ate
You haven't came out of your room
You haven't spoke to anyone
Not even Bryce
Everyone has been knocking at your door and messaging and calling you
You just ignore them
For the past 3 days you have been thinking about overdosing on drugs
But you haven't
You have just been crying and sleeping

It's now 10 am and kouvr Alex and Bryce are at your door
Ko:cmon izzy come out or talk to us please
Br:please izzy you must be starving
Al:please izzy we will do anything
He shouted banging on the door
You walk up to the door and sit on the other side of it with your back on the door
You put your head against the door and cry
Bryce hears you
Br;izzy please I'm the only one here please open the door for me I miss you so much. I miss seeing your beautiful face, please for me.
You start crying even more
You can here Bryce crying
You stand up and put your hand on the door handle
You slowly unlock the door and slowly open it
You see Bryce leaning on the door frame crying
You open the door fully because you see that Bryce is on his own
You hug him tightly
He hugs you back tight
You pull him into your room
You close and lock the door behind him
You both kiss each other
Br:Thomas told me what happened I was so worried about you
Iz:I'm sorry
Br:for what?
Br:it's fine now let's go downstairs and get some food
Iz:no Bryce I'm not hungry
Br:yes izzy do you want to be in the hospital
He opens your door and takes your hand and walks out the room
You both walk downstairs and into the kitchen
You see Thomas
Suddenly you feel sick
Th:hey izzy it's good your out your room
You run to the bathroom and throw up
Bryce runs in and holds your hair
You continue to throw up
You finally finish throwing up and you look at Bryce
Br:you thinking what I'm thinking?
You nod
Br:I'll go get a test now
Iz:thank you
He goes to kiss you
You put your hand on his lips
Iz:your not kissing me I've just been sick
Br:that won't stop me
He kisses you
You kiss back
It is all going great until Thomas walks in
You quickly stand up leaving Bryce on the floor
Th:doesn't look like nothing
Br:bro leave her alone, do you want her to lock herself in her room again?
Th:I can do what I want I'm her dad
Then Bryce stands up and Thomas punches him
Bryce punches back and a whole fight breaks out
They don't stop and Alex and kouvr run in
Iz:help me
Alex and kouvr run over and get them of each other
Al:what the fuck are you doing?
Br:he started it
Th:only because you were kissing my daughter
Then you but in
Iz:your not my dad, you didn't create me, my real dad may not have been the nicest person to everyone and to me sometimes but I loved him and my mom they were better then you could ever be, so stop saying I'm your daughter because I'm not and I never will be
Before anyone can say anything you run out the room
You run into your room and lock the door
You slide down the wall and cry

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