𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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KIE PULLED the tin JJ had stashed the two joints in out and the three of us sat down on the boat as the sun started it's slow decent. I couldn't think of anything worse right now than being stuck out here for god knows how long with these two while they hated each other. I get that Kie and I had some unresolved issues but that was nothing, we could work it out in a matter of minutes. Her and Sarah on the other hand, I don't think that was ever going to be resolved.

I didn't understand why JJ and John B left me out here with them. JJ said payback but I truly think him stranding me here with these two was a big stretch, especially given I only scared him. Perhaps they thought I'd mediate between these girls? If they thought I was going to do that they were way out of shot.

I refused to get directly involved in Kiara and Sarah's problems.

"It's for the pain." Kie told Sarah as she took the two joints out, passing one to me. The Kook — if I could really call her that — sat in between us, her legs stretched out in front of her as she cradled her jellyfish sting. Yeah, Sarah was a Kook but so were Kie and I really. I mean, I was a Pogue but my mom was a Kook meaning I was somewhat of a Kook — an outcast really.

Kie lit her joint and passed the lighter along to me and I took it, putting the joint into my mouth and sparking it up. I inhaled the weed with a sigh before exhaling and looked around us, "I told myself I was gonna have one day without weed and alcohol." I muttered, "Clearly today is not that day."

Sarah snapped the joint out of Kie's mouth while I relished in the hit of my own and she inhaled deeply, "Go easy." Kie warned her, "It's JJ's cousin's Cripple."

Sarah started coughing wildly and I leaned against the boat, meeting Kie's eyes as Sarah leaned forwards while continuing to cough. I raised my brows and took another drag of the joint I had to myself.

I reached out patted Sarah's back awkwardly while she tried to stop coughing, "Can't say she didn't warn you."

Sarah finally stopped spluttering and she sat back groaning, passing the joint back to Kie. She panted, out of breath from her coughing and she turned to me with a confused frown, "How come you get a full one?" She asked.

"I've been smoking these since I was 15." I responded without a beat, looking down to the joint, "Plus I deserve a full one. I got marooned here with you guys."

"Way to make it sound like you want to be here." Kie muttered loud enough for us both to hear.

"I don't." I told her honestly, "Hence why I didn't try to make it sound like I wanted to be."

"Y'know it's going to be a long night if we spend it arguing." Sarah said, taking a drag of the joint as she plucked it back from Kie's hands.

I ran my hand over my face tiredly and leaned against the back of the boat, drawing one leg up to my chest, "It's going to be a long night anyways."

"Shit." Kie muttered and she turned to me, "I bet they didn't bring that tea you drink to help you sleep."

I shook my head while rolling my eyes, "Why would they, bunch of idiots. I swear it's like they don't even care I have a head injury either."

"Why do you need help sleeping?" Sarah asked me curiously.

"Insomnia." I replied, looking out across the marsh, "My solution was to get so high or drunk I'd blackout for the night—"

"—Like you did last night?" Kie asked.

I nodded, "Like I did last night but my dad and I found this remedy and Heyward could get his hands on it for half the price we were paying."

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