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Author's POV

"I can't believe.." She sighs.

She can't continue her own sentence as everything is going so wrong, and she's aware it's all because of her. Really, though?

Peeking at all sides like a thief, in the bright afternoon and not morning - talk about waking up late even in emergency situations - she's already inside the company, somewhere near the cursed spot where she met the freakshow then left the tube, slash design.

"Excuse me?" A company person startles her with a soft polite voice but it's still alarming to her that she jumps, slightly, then starts blinking rapidly. She has to physically slap her cheek to stop.

The person asks, "Are you lost?"

Her eyes widen in horror, the three words are giving her war flashbacks. Help.


"Uh, right. I mean, no! I'm not lost. Um, what am I doing here again-" She's mumbling nonsense, but loud enough for the other party to hear. "I mean, I'm-" She presses her eyes in annoyance, pushing the sanity she has left to assume her brains for this very moment, only.

"I'm the winner of this company's logo competition and... I left the printed version of my design here last night but... in the wrong place I guess... not I guess but it's for real..." She sighs. At this point, she realizes that she shouldn't be too worked up because shits have already happened, anyways.

"I'm trying to get it back, and put it in the right place..." Having a sudden feeling of accomplishment for being able to say things, she chuckles to herself. It's fun to be crazy.

But the person smiles, with all the features he has on his face. He looks kind of cute. Back to business. "Where did you leave it?" He asks.

"Uh..." She takes a long pause before finally, having the courage to point at the place.

"The Chairman's office?"

"The... what?!" Her eyes widen by twice if not thrice their size. She wonders, just how bad these workers were to him?

"Forget the workers, I fucking assaulted the Chairman?!??"

She gulps noticing the person's mouth slowly dropping into a huge gasp, and it seems to keep getting bigger as she blinks. Red code. I find it obnoxious, because I was the one wounded here - on the inside.

"N-no, not really. It's a misunderstanding." She mutters. The person purses his lips, twitching his entire face into a sad look as if he's pitying her. "So, you came here to apologize?" He asks.

She only wants to ensure the company that she's a real person, claim the prize, leave, then never come back.

"No. I mean... yes. Actually, I wanted to sneak in and take my design, if it's possible. Because I'm sure it's not the right place to submit that, right?"


She's convinced by her own understandings that it's better to talk to the person in charge of the competition first, before the freak Chairman. Why? Because the possibility of her being disqualified and thus unable to submit anything exists, according to her - and if those are true, therefore she has lost the need to ever visit the Chairman's office at all.

I think it makes sense.

The person in charge turns to be that gasping company person earlier.

"Lee Jaeyoon.." She reads the name written on the desk in front of her, it probably tickles the person's ears as he's looking into some files, that he chuckles. "And you're Ms. Y/n?" He looks up, grinning.

Stunned at the sight, she randomly blurts, "You... must be very popular-" She then proceeds to furrow her face in disgust over herself. What's new.


"Sorry... I'm too assertive in things sometimes. Haha. Only sometimes. Artist's things, I guess." Is there really, any connection among these things.

"But, that's, definitely a compliment."


I'll shut up.

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