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"I'll go with you to the Chairman's office, alright?"

Why did I say; alright.

But it's a fact that I find it hard not to say alright to whatever he says.

It's been 10 and a half seconds since she agreed to the company person but it feels like an eternity. She wants to leave and therefore cancel everything, but she's already walking side by side with him to the place where the horror lives. "I can't feel my legs." She mutters.

Jaeyoon suddenly stops.

"Are you alright?" He asks her, his face furrowing in the most calming look ever. He's one of the rare people with angelic features that it doesn't take her long to feel familiar around him. As if she knew him for 5 years already – in fact, only 5 minutes.

"Uh, yes! Definitely."

"Rest assured, he might give off scary vibes sometimes... but he's a good person!" His voice sounds so cute like he's singing. He leans closer to her ear – that she gulps. "A softie." He whispers. "If that's how you called it these days." He pulls away, stifling a smile. She's grown nervous at the deja vu of having such a narrow proximity with someone other than herself, or her pillow. Blame the freakshow.

This is why we all need to go out more, people.


"Why in the world is college so expensive? I only need the stupid paper called certificate but this amount of money can't only buy tons of papers of the likes but also the production machine??!?" She grumbled as she pulled her hair.

Adulting is hard, indeed, that she finally decided to take a long break from the semester. She had to. She was only one step away to graduate – if she didn't leave her parents and their money in the first place.


"Explain this, y/n. Why did you lie to us?" Her dad raised his voice at her playing her phone on the couch.

She paralyzed briefly before her shoulders subtly shuddered, in fear. She realized that no matter how skillful she concealed everything, it all would uncover by themselves sooner or later. Yet... it's still scary.

I was only aiming to make my life suck less by pursuing what I wanted and what I could do best. But why was such an easy concept so hard to realize – and understand?

"Listen, it's not too late to change your major and follow our outlines."

She applied to the university her parents wanted, but not the major.

At the moment, she remembered her friends nagged at her after their parents gave them freedom to choose their own majors when they couldn't. How they mentioned that they're envious with those whose parents already had a clear picture of their futures. They thought, it's better that way. They had no idea.

She wanted to have their lives, or just switch minds with them, or switch parents. But none of them was doable, obviously. Because life always sucks.

"You mean re-do everything from the start? Mom, I can't waste my years of tears and sweats for this-"

"Then leave." Her dad suddenly blurted.

"It's not as easy as it's said, I need to-

"Wait, dad... you mean... this place? Like, leave this place?"

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