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            As soon as my brain rebooted,I heard a heavy sigh come from Sean. Like as if it was a wake up call, I  found myself scurrying around the room trying to pick up the papers continuously chanting "I'm sorry Sir,I'm sorry" I panted as I moved behind the sofas trying to pick up the papers.

           Emerging from the back of the sofa,I found Sean bending down to pick up the papers which had fallen on the couches,centre table,side tables and of course,the floor. I'd rushed to pick up the papers because I felt that way,when the insults and the talk down came,my mind would be too preoccupied to break down. But this, had me staring for more than I should have before I called myself back to earth.

          "Let me do it Sir" I said as I reached for the papers he had gathered. He looked to where our hands met,in my attempt to take the papers from him before looking back to me. "Cant you be anymore careful?" He asked me calmly which made me  slowly loose my hold on the papers. It was then I found out that a disappointed look could hit much deeper than an angry outburst. The tone of his voice hit a soft spot in me,it shook me. For the first time,I'd made a mistake but my sad feelings surpassed my embarrassment.

          "I'm sorry Sir" I said as my eyes darted briefly to the floor. He sighed before going back to picking up the files  and the papers which I later joined him in doing.

            "Pretty with no brains" One of the men said to the other. While the comment did nothing to eradicate the guilt and sadness which was now building in me,Sean shocked me for the third time since I'd entered this company,or is it the fourth?

         "I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your insults down,she is still my employee and everyone makes mistakes" he defended me them before turning back to me. "Follow me" he told me taking the rest of the papers from me and walking out of the room. From the look of things,he was probably on the greater side of whatever deal they were trying to close,just a speculation though.

          "I'm sorry Sirs" I apologised again before walking or should I say limping out of the room. With all the adrenaline pumping through my body,I'd completely forgotten that I'd hit my leg against the edge of the table. Now that I seemed to be gaining myself back,the pain was finally getting to my brain.

        I quietly stepped beside Sean as I made it out the room,where he stood handing the files to Nelly and telling her to sort them out. I waited quietly while as he finished instructing her and she headed back to our office before he turned back to me.

         "You...." he started and I felt my heart miss a beat. "What's your full name?" He asked me. I slowly brought my gaze to meet his. Was he going to fire me? "V....Viola De...vins" I stuttered trying my best to hide how weak my voice was,my throat was hurting.

          "Viola Devins"he said the name like he was correcting how I said it,telling me it should be more fluent than that. "Are you always like this?" He asked again. I really am not,I'm not. But around him, I couldnt control it. One thought or another always attacked me and made me nervous. One mistake and my life would literally be over.

          "Not....really" I said looking everywhere but him.

         "You're really something" He muttered under his breath before  giving off a sigh again and turning go back into his office and my inside voice started raining curses on me as soon as he'd turned his back on me.

          "By the way..." he turned back to me just before he could turn the knob of the door snapping my lost gaze back to him. "Theres a pharmacy store nearby,you should get some cream or spray for your leg,sorry about that" He said before walking into his office.

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