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Hello Everyone!

To hopefully make this book club community more recognisable, reach more authors and readers and gain members, with the help from someone, we have decided to hold an award.

But this awards will be different as it will focus on short stories of various genres.

Why short stories?

Uh, because they are great, and there's no long term commitment because they are short.

Even though it seems a bit biased, we also feel that short stories are overlooked at times, which is why we want to do our part and put them in the limelight for a change.

Along with entering your already written story(ies), the awards will also have mini contests and a writing competition, that you can enter to win more prizes.

So, if you are interested and would like to see what exactly this award is about, then go to the awards book (THE KWAMI AWARDS) for more information.

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Lots of Love, The Moira Sisters

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