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It's a person's dream to meet their future partner, their spouse. It's five days until I turn eighteen. It honestly is nervewracking in a midst of a culture that distorts soulmates, especially within the last decade.

I was one of the traditionalists. I was going to be there through thick and thin for my future husband. I smile at the idea of meeting him. I hope that it comes soon enough to meet him as it is uncertain when I will meet him. 

I'm walking into choir class, it's a winter day. The heat still has not cranked up yet in this room. There are the ones who have some sectional competitions soon that are in the practice rooms. Then there's me who's just waiting until the bell rings for class. I'm taking this class as a gen-ed to fulfill my senior class credit prior to graduation. It is something along the lines of fine arts? I can't draw. Don't think that I'm a good singer, because I don't even have my diaphragm developed well. So, this was the easiest class. 

The winter concert had just concluded, so there's not much to do. Well, we're doing end-of-semester projects. I of course have to do a performance. I'm thinking of a love song, but also a holiday song. I'm still debating. 

I personally am excited to meet my future husband, to be spending the rest of my life with him. With winter break coming the day after my birthday, I hope we can spend some time together throughout the course. Unless he's got a family trip out of town, we can text or something. I push the thoughts away and focus in class.

I'm taking it day by day. I'm seizing each moment, as who knows if I meet him at school. It'll be weird if I actually knew this guy.

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