Killing The Orignal 12

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Warning: There is gore in this book. If you do not like gore, please leave.

Note: All characters Aside from Dr. Dank are all owned by their respective owners.

Dr. Dank was in his castle. Castle Dank. Sitting upon his mighty throne. "I'm bored of all these challenges. I need a new one. The world will end to me. And I will kill everyone, even if it's the last FUCKING thing I do..." He said clutching his metal hand. The Dank Lord rose up and walked off from his castle.

Meanwhile at the Battlefield...

The cast of Smash 64 were having a good time, battling each other for fun. Dr. Dank landed out of nowhere. He grabbed Kirby. Everybody stared as he tore the Pink Ball in half. His galactic insides dripping out as he threw the halves aside. "Who's next?" Dr. Dank asked. Mario leaped up attempting to do a forward air. Only for it to be caught and his hand broken. Mario screamed in pain as Dr. Dank stabbed him through the mouth with his blade. And sliced through his head. "You're more red now.." He said. Link charged at him from behind. "HYAAAA!" Link shouted. Dr. Dank slammed Link down. He smashed his head into the ground. "The time has come, hero." Pikachu and Jigglypuff stood frightened. They hugged each other watching the Massacre play out. Captain Falcon leaped up trying to go for a Knee Of Justice. "Stop acting so brutal! This isn't how-" He was cut off as Dr. Dank grabbed his knee and broke it. Blood coming out of it as the bone gashed through his Knee. Falcon screamed in pain. "OH MY KNEE, AGHHHH! THE PAIN!" Dr. Dank grabbed Punched a hole through Captain Falcon's chest. He stopped moving. And fell to the ground. Dead. Samus shot a charge beam at Dank, but he slapped it away. He grabbed her helmet and tore it off. He smashed a hole through her left arm and ripped the Right one off. He then crushed her head. Yoshi leaped in throwing an egg. It broke as a baby yoshi came out. Dr. Dank tore it in half. Yoshi looked at it. Dr. Dank grabbed Yoshi's tongue as the green dinosaur struggled. He then hung him on the left side of the stage. "Delicious, isn't it?" Dr. Dank saw Luigi trying to run. He grabbed the Plumber. "You're green. Like me. But you'll be more red like your brother..." Dank punched a hole through Luigi's head. His screams cut off. Donkey Kong leaped in attempting to pound Dank into the ground. Dr. Dank grabs his arms and RIPS them off. Donkey Kong howls in pain as he opens his eyes. Only for his own arms to clap his head. His eyeball landing near Fox. Fox dashed over, attempting to Dash Attack. His foot was grabbed, being torn off. Fox yells in pain and falls over. His other leg begins crushed by Dank. Footless, Fox tries to crawl, away, but his leg crushes his skull. Blood leaking out of his flattened head. Ness uses a PK Fire, but Dr. Dank jumps over. He flies over using his Rocket Boosters and Footdives the fuck out of his head. Ness falls back as his head Explodes due to the force of the FOOTDIVE. Pikachu and Jigglypuff were left. Pikachu's head got torn off. Blood spurring out of it's head. Jigglypuff was exploded. Finally ending the massacre. Dr. Dank walked off. His suit covered in blood and insides. "For a 12 versus 1, that was pathetic."

The mangled corpses are shown again, one last time.

Dr. Dank Vs. The WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora