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Two Days later, Rob was just coming up from swapping out yet another load of laundry–babies were messy lil boogers, after all–when he heard the doorbell ring. Said lil mess-maker was currently upstairs getting a quick bath, even though they'd just woken up for the Morn, 'cuz he really needed one after the surprise he and Lyric woke to. While she was taking care of bathtime, he'd said he'd strip the boy's crib and get his bedding in the laundry, which was exactly what he'd done.

        Considering that the door to the basement stairs was right across from the dining room archway–although, not actually visible from such an angle–there was no hiding when he got to the foyer. Not that he wanted to, 'cuz he figured it was Casey and Maci at the door, and he certainly wasn't disappointed in that assumption. Said woman seemed in Awe at seeing the front of the house already, and she appeared to be trying to peer past the glare of the front door and its sidelights. He couldn't blame her, though–the foyer was certainly a grand and Awe-Inspiring sight, especially for those who couldn't afford such a thing. It was that very grandeur that made him wanna tour the rest of the place, then write a check for it on the spot once he had.

        "Hey there, Casey!" the young bassist chuckled as he opened the front door.

        "Oh, my God," she breathed, finally getting her first good look at the foyer.

        Even her daughter's lil jaw dropped, allowing the paci clipped to her shirt to fall outta her mouth.

        "Yeah, I know–quite the Awe-Inspiring sight," Rob laughed. "C'mon in, and we'll take your stuff up to one of the guest rooms."

        "Holy–my Imagination couldn't do this place Justice, if it tried a hundred more Times!" the blonde woman laughed as she followed him inside.

        "One of the many reasons I bought the place a couple Years ago," he admitted. "Some rooms boost my Creativity–which's always a good thing when you're a recording artist–others just lemme kick back and unwind."

        "Seems like such a big place for one guy," Casey mused as she followed him to the grand, curving staircase.

        "Yeah, it kinda is, but it can be a good thing, too," the young bassist told her. "I mean, my band mates all have keys, but it's so big that not even they can always find me when they decide to just let themselves in."

        "Must be a nice thing to have, then," she chuckled.

        "Well, I mean, I'll be in the kitchen one Time, down in the basement the next," Rob snickered. "Or they'll find me in the master suite one Time, hiding on the other side of the cabaña the next–it all depends on the Weather and my mood."

        "Here, here!" the blonde laughed as he cut a right at the top of the stairs.

        Since he'd done some serious redecorating right after he moved in, he led her to what he'd once called the Red Room. It was one of five bedrooms–including the master suite–that was on the second story of the house, rather than down in the basement. Alongside its own, private bathroom–something pretty much all the bedrooms had–this one'd its own balcony, too. While it wasn't nearly as big as the one off the master suite, it still afforded a person a small spot to just sit outside and enjoy the Sunrise or Sunset, whichever they preferred.

        Casey nodded as he set her bags down by the bed and said he was gonna go make sure his son hadn't turned into a lil tub monster and decided to try drowning his mama since he hadn't heard much outta them in a lil bit. Neither were surprised when her baby girl reached out to him, clearly wanting to go with him, which made him laugh as he gladly took her. Leaving her mama to make use of the en suite bathroom since she no doubt'd to go after their flight, he headed off to the master suite with her snuggled contently against his chest, her lil head resting on his shoulder.

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