Chapter 1: First Time

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"This is really happenin-"

I spoke through my muffled lips. Our kissing getting more intense second by second. Before I know it he's grabbing ahold of my breasts, both filling his hands as my breathing and panting filled his mouth.

I just wanted him close to me at first. I didn't really like him this much, especially at the beginning of the night. Well, afternoon but we've been out so long and since Flo and Tyler have been in each other's faces all day me and Cole decided to give them a small bit of space to not be so awkward flirting around us. See, today was nothing more than a normal hangout day between four friends.

Me and Tyler have been really good friends for years now and although Flo and Cole are like brother and sister. They feel open as hell to talk to each other about anything. At least that's what Flo has told me. Today was routine at first. I got up, brushed my teeth like alw-sometimes if I'm honest, I grabbed a couple of undergarments nothing special for now -and grabbed some lounging around clothes. I didn't plan on going anywhere. I was too upset to. My boyfriend of two and a half years was cheating, or moving on in his opinion. He sent me a dick pic, which was normal, but what wasn't normal was the girl holding the camera and the other girl with his dick in her mouth. While wearing shoes I bought him too, the nerve. Either way, I decided to take a day for myself. Cry if I wanted shoot peeps in Duty on Call, and eat a gigantic bowl of cookies and cream ice cream with more chocolate sauce than imaginable. As I'm getting comfortable Tyler decided to text me. "Come on, get out of bed. We going shopping." I look over at my phone and take a second to think. It would be nice to get out of the house instead of sulking in my anguish. Then he replies to himself "I'm not stuttering. You don't need to be alone thinking about a bitch." To which replied "a pussy ass bitch." We exchanged "lol"s and I told him I'd get ready.

Tyler said he'd be coming around my house in fifteen minutes. Which is crazy, he knows I take normally an hour to get ready but I don't care enough to look extremely pretty so I don't. I grab a random black shirt and some tight jeans but I did change to a more attractive looking bra and panty combination. Laced purple. "I bought these for that asshole. For his birthday! So maybe I'll let someone else see them tonight." I said to myself.

Knowing I'm not that bold I chuckled it off. As I looked out the window he was pulling up. I grabbed a lil emergency fund for some food and a bit of shopping.

Grabbed my purse and a jean jacket just cause and did my hair in a ponytail since it always goes just barely to my shoulders and irritates my eyes. I headed out the door not knowing what to expect.

The other half of this story is quite similar.

"Ughhh. Fucking morning."

Normally, I'd never wake up like this. I love the sunlight in my room in the morning, but I know the world fucking sucks now.

I've gone my entire life without any such thing of a romantic relationship. I've liked many girls but I've always been rejected, story of my life. I'm so used to it one time I basically rejected myself. But, she was different. The first girl whose ever loved me, and then she fucked my head up worse than anyone else ever could. At this point I'm so hurt that a feather in the wind could shatter me. I'm like a delicate flower plucked from its soil with one pedal left. Today I decided not to do anything really, that was untill my best friend Flo texted me. I still haven't gotten up and I don't plan on it. I grabbed my phone to see what's happening and she tells me to get dressed.

"Hey. Get up. I need a ride and you need to get out of the house. I'm not gonna let you stay home sitting in a puddle of your own tears for someone who doesn't value everything you are. So come on now ya lil shit stain! Or else, I know where you live!" Threats from a Smurf in a costume like her shouldn't be intimidating, but she knows just how to motivate me, she's not wrong and she hits hard. I get in the shower and text back "where are we going?" And very shortly she says the mall. I roll my eyes and look away from the phone and finish my shower. I look at my toothbrush but don't use it. Then I run back in and brush my teeth while trying to put on underwear but falling over onto my arm.

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