Chapter 2: Once or Four Times

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A few weeks later he'd spend another night with me. The sex wasn't the same like something in him was missing. So after we were done that time he left rather than staying like he did last time. The first time i could feel his connection to my heart and soul, but this time all I could feel was his thrusts. They were still immaculate, but not the mind-blowing earth shattering sex we had before. His kisses were off. Like he wasn't kissing me but only touching the surface of my body. His hands caressed my body as well, but didn't leave the sensation of his touch as they did before. Even his strokes were off. When he got home and texted me so I knew he was safe and through his messages I couldn't help but feel ashamed. The chemistry we had was only for one night. It seems like a good thing I didn't get into anything serious with Cole, but that didn't seem right. Cole himself seemed like he wanted to be in me, no pun intended, but he just couldn't mentally be with me. Then I got a text message from another friend of ours. "I'm throwing a party for independence day. At my house. If you'd like to come please do, bring something nice too." From Jeremy. I wasn't even paying attention to Cole but cause I knew Jeremy told him about this party. I wanted to attract his gaze again. Cole's beautiful eyes and his opinion on my look was what I needed. I had hunger for him the way that we had sex that first and second time. Even the morning after. I missed that touch. I tossed my phone to the bed and looked through my closet. "Black is his favorite color and I have a nice black dress that would definitely draw his attention." I know he'd love this on me, but I shouldn't be dressing to impress him. I just told him that I don't want to be in a super serious relationship. Which I know will happen if I keep thinking of him like this. "Cole. Please don't hurt me."

Back in a Cole's world

"I'm done." As I toss my phone away from me in frustration, mainly in myself, I get a text notification. Thinking it's Tori I leap to my phone only to see Jeremy telling me about a party. "I'm throwing a party for independence day. At my house. If you'd like to come please do, bring something nice too." From Jeremy. A party is the furthest thing from my mind. After Tori told me she doesn't want to be anything serious with me I haven't been myself. I can't stop thinking about her. Texting, touching, kissing, she's in my soul and I don't want her out. The party is in three days, and I need a distraction or I'm gonna cry my eyes out again like after I left her house like last time. I undid my braids and had my hair natural and puffed up. I got in the shower and after a few minutes I couldn't think straight. I sat in the shower with the water hitting my head masking the tears that slowly streamed down my face. My sobbing became muffled screams as I hated myself for falling this deep for someone who doesn't want me. Luckily no one else was here or else leaving the shower would have been awkward. After a solid hour of wallowing in my anguish and cleaning myself I walked to my room semi-dry and collapsed in my bed. I got a text from Flo. "Hey, usually I'd go but me and Tyler have a date so I won't be at that party ok." I was happy that she finally said date and told her to have some well deserved fun. "Hey but at least Tori will be there I heard from Tyler. You can keep her company again. You two seemed to have alot of fun last time." Of course seeing that wasn't what I needed. As more tears began to flow I texted back a lie. "Yep. I'd love to. Can't wait." I wanted to be around her cause she lights up my world but I'm so hurt that it won't be how I want. I saw I missed a few messages from Tori, when I looked through them it wasn't anything too important. Just about wanting to get together tomorrow. At this point I couldn't. I was in too much pain and I felt like I needed to work up the nerve to go to the party. "Sorry Tori, rain check. Can't hang tomorrow." She replied back rather quickly "alright cutie witta booty." I chuckled but was still in a state of dismay. I started at the message a bit more before I tossed my phone before placing a pillow over my face.

Two days go by. Tori and Cole text everyday but Tori can feel that he's drifting away. She does think it's cause of what she said but she doesn't think it's the truth. The day before the party. Cole's p.o.v

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