Chapter 3: Sleeping Dates

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Its been a week since Kathrine moved in with the boys. Is it a bad thing? And is Cole warming back up to Toni? Is Georgie ok with a new roommate? This is gonna primarily be a Cole chapter, so let's start off with Toni.

It's been a week since Cole and Georgie opened their apartment up to Kathrine, and it's been a week of back and forth again with Cole. He's not ignoring me anymore and I feel close to him again, but I know it isn't where I'd like it. We haven't had sex since I think three-ish weeks ago. I can't remember. I thought he'd be all over me by now, but I'm sure with Kathrine there his mind may be confused. I don't like her living with him. I'm partially threatened by it. Not to mention him seeing in my eyes I was with someone else the same day as his most important breakdown. I couldn't say to his face that it really happened so I never brought it up. I know he still can't trust me. I Know he isn't emotionally investing in anyone. Or maybe just me. I'm sure Kat hasn't told him about her girlfriend. Then for the first time in a week I get a message from Flo.


Hey Tori 💖

Hylo. How are you
and my vaccant best

Yeah sorry. We've been umm busy.

No explanation needed.

So what's up?

Nothing much. Just
wondering about
some stuff. How are
you and Cole and
when can all of
us hang out?

Well. Cole and I are
in a "rough" patch.

And as for us hanging out,
I can possibly schedule something soon. This week maybe?

I could tell you more
later about Cole and I. I have some errands to run.

After that I didn't get another message until much later. I'm guessing that Flo was filling Tyler in cause shortly I got a message from him asking me if I was ok. I made Flo promise not to say anything yet. Tyler told me he was coming over to talk and hang out. It had been a minute since we did that, which made sense. He was in a relationship and I was, whatever you could call all the stuff I'm in with Cole. As he pulled up to my house and got out out, he looked happy and excited to just be goofing off for a day. Which on all honesty, I needed to have a day of dumb shit. Everything lately has been emotionally recking me. I knew this would be a nice change of pace.

As Tyler came in, he was very energetic. Too energetic. As if he had a great week. "So buddy. Why so peepy?" I pestered. He decided not to answer but eluded to a fun risque few days. He sat down and made himself comfortable kicking his shoes off as he turned on my TV. "Like old times eh?" I snickered in response. "Yeah, but ya know, I was thinking about having a hangout day/maybe sleepover soon. What would you think about doing that today? Or should it jus-" I was cut off by a kinda sneaky smirking "absolutely" from Tyler. I had Tyler take me to the store for a few snacks and some junk to do. I sent Flo a message telling her that we'd hang out today if she's available. In a second she responded telling me she's getting ready. I sent Cole a message telling him of our hangout plans.

I like using this as a transition. Back to Cole's world.

As I was rudely woken up by Georgie, as well as Kat on the couch arguing about sword art online or some shit, I grabbed a pair of pants and walked out to the kitchen to see them. Kat eyes me it seems and gives me a head to toe look while biting her lip. I barely noticed it, but moreso I payed no attention to it as I was still waking up. Kat texted me a message from fifteen feet away. "I think Georgie likes me. Can you tell him I'm not like into him?" I looked at my phone and as I was about to say something Georgie blurts out "Hey! You two freaks! Y'all gotta leave! I need the house for a date." Kat and I looked at each other and laughed. "You? Have a date? Please, what girl is interested in you?" I joked as Kat laughed Georgie responded "well Kat for one. It's obvious. She's not my type but I'm flattered." At that point she stopped laughing dead and mines picked up. "Kat. You're cute and all, but my gaydar is immaculate and yours is not." Georgie explained. "I'm gay and I can sense you're not straight as a stripper pole are you?" Weird choice of words but I was definitely intrested. Kat laughed the question off not answering. "Back to the point. There is this really cute college boy and he might-" Kat cut in "be the one?" As Georgie cut her a side eye. "No let me go all the way and destroy his sexuality." Kat and I laughed again. "So look, can I just get the apartment to myself today please?" I got up and took a bite of the pizza he was saving "sure thing bro. I'll get Kat out somewhere I guess. Just be careful, I've heard about some straight guys who beat on gay and trans people to shut then up. Keep your phone near you ok. I'll come back swiftly and fuck someone up." Georgie hugged me and hit me for the pizza. "I could totally handle this little femboy, but gotcha." Kat snuck up and took his other slice and hugged us both. "I'm gonna go get ready, see ya in a bit boys." As Kat closed the door, Georgie wispered to me. "Be careful with her, something seems off. I got gaydar." I shrugged him off and left to get ready. "Georgie stop checking me out." I closed the door behind me as I heard him yell "never." Then I got a text from Flo asking for a ride and a message from Tori telling me about a hangout/sleepover. "Yeah. I'll pick you up in a bit." I responded to Flo and I asked Tori if I could bring Kat and if I needed to pick anything up. She told me I could bring whoever, but I could sense her worry from through her messages. "Sodas, and sure. Bring whomever you like." I yelled at Kat to pick out some sleepover clothes. "I don't have any." I heard her yell. "I sleep nude." I opened my door and stepped up to hers and opened the door to see her in nothing but panties. Her breasts out in the open and she was quite larger in that department than I initially thought. I didn't move more just stood there in shock as she threw a shirt over my face. "Take a pic why don't ya! Cole can I borrow a shirt for tonight?" As I closed her door I agreed. Georgie looking down the hallway laughed as he saw the whole thing. "Go powder your nose." He kept laughing. I walked in my room and took out a shirt for Kat and got dressed. "Wow. Kathrine has quite the body on her. I'm not one to focus solely on looks but God damn. She's got some assets on her." I finished dressing. Pink shirt, Kirby on the shirt pocket. I love shirts like that. Black jogging pants and black shorts underneath. I grabbed my same old black jacket and pink sneakers. I grabbed my black cross chain and left out my room door. I looked in Georgie's room and saw him in a yellow dress. "So whose the bottom again?" As I looked on laughing he threw a pillow at me as I ducked it Kat came out and was hit square in the face. She ran in Georgie room and beat him with a different pillow, I followed in and beat them both. We felt like a nice little weird family. When Kat finally stopped, she asked as well "why are you wearing a dress?" Georgie snarled and said that he was looking at things for roleplaying. "With the door open?" He did nothing but point at his door for us to leave. Kat decided to sorta match me unbenounced to either of us. She had on a pink pants and a black shirt. Black shoes and a jean vest. She knew how to look good. Flo texted me that she'd ready and I told her I'd be there in fifteen-ish minutes. As me and Kat started leaving our Georgie commented on our unintentionally matching outfits. "Awwww. Such a cute couple." Me and Kat's eyes met and she blushed as she looked away swiftly. I looked the opposite way as well while blushing quite obviously. I could tell Georgie realized how we both did undoubtedly like each other. It's pretty obvious anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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