Chapter 1

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Everything The Light Touches


•- Your POV -•

I held onto the pipe I was climbing, hands sweaty as I tried with all my strength to pull myself up. The pipe groaned with the amount of weight being placed on it. Once I got to a good position I turned and looked around with hesitant eyes, I had to squint to see the extravagant town in front of us since it was a bright and sunny day. Looking down I noticed it seemed higher than I thought it would. Vi was taking us so high and I was newer to this so I felt like my actions were very clumsy and slow. I look up slightly meeting Violet's eyes, she nods down at me. I purse my lips and hoist myself up some more after gaining some confidence.

"We are almost there come on." She grunts at everyone trying to encourage them and I follow her gaze looking down at the three underneath me Powder, Mylo, and Claggor. They all seem to be struggling to climb the vertical building. I just return my thoughts to climbing up the pipe.

"Aw, man!" I could hear Mylo groan not the happiest about this situation. I quickly ignore his complaining and I follow Violet up the rest of the wall. I get to the ledge pulling myself up with strained lungs. I get myself to stand looking in awe at Piltover. My breaths were heavy from the climb.

"Woah." I could hear Powder say from next to me making me look over and give her a small smile as she returns. We barely got to see the top side.

"It's nice to get above it all huh," Violet says as my attention turns back to the clean trees and buildings that lay in front of us like an entirely different world. As everyone got up onto the roof a large blimp flew past us. I looked at the view in complete awe.

"One day I am going to ride one of those things." Powder says under her breath in a determined tone. I looked at her with a smile, I knew how much she was infatuated with seeing the new world, as much as I was. I probably fed her fantasy a bit since I told her the stories my father told me. I placed my hand in her hair ruffling her blue locks.

"And one day I'm going to shoot one down," Mylo says pointing a finger gun at it as if to shoot it down. But I just roll my eyes pushing his arm down silently. My attention was brought to Claggor as he looked over Piltover nervously, we weren't supposed to be topside... Vander made that very clear. Calin wouldn't be happy either, more because we didn't invite him.

"Vi you sure about this? If we get caught..." Claggor starts to say and I turn to her with a hesitant nod not liking the plan, because it would be more than just Vander mad at me.

"We aren't going to get caught. We will be in and out before anyone even notices. We have [y/n] after all." She says going to the edge of the building looking for the town square trying to figure out where we were in terms of finding out our jobs location. I gave a nervous sigh letting it get lost in the strong winds that were flowing over the buildings. Violet looks to me with a nod and I step forward eyeing all of the possible paths on the way to our destination.

"How long is this going to take, I'm hungry." I hear Mylo say from behind me, after another second passes I point in the direction of the town Square already having a path in mind. I turn to Violet for her approval and she nods at me.

"Alright then everyone, fallow [y/n]... and just don't look down." She says as I jump into action, sliding down the roof onto an apartment balcony. I stand on the poles of the balcony railing and motion for them to come one at a time. Violet comes down first leaping over the gap with no problem. I turn seeing Claggor about to slide down but Mylo brushes past him with a smirk making Clagoor roll his eyes following right behind. By the time Mylo lands on the one side, Claggor lands right next to him Cupcake in mouth.

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