Prologue: Menchi did a Whoopsie 👺

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"Bruh. 🗿" Is actually the first word that this girl spoke today. It's about 4PM... She was laying on a couch in a big office room. From the other side of it, an old man with a white beard and ponytail said, "Hmm Riku-Chan, you really have done nothing today, haven't you?" She looked at him with a dumbfounded expression and sat up. "Geez Ji-Chan, way to rub salt into the wound." The girl accused him. He just laughed her off.

"You know, that you could've joined the Hunter Exam, but you still refused." He sighed kinda disappointed, that his granddaughter can be so lazy and stubborn at times. And with times he means, whenever he talks about her joining the Hunter Exam.

"I mean technically we could still get you in, it is ongoing right now." He tried to convince her. "Damn, wouldn't that be kinda unfair?" Riku questioned. "It would be, but if you see it this way, then the training you've had would also be 'kinda unfair', right Riku-Chan?" He tried more, while looking at some papers on his desk. "Isaac-Ji-Chan" She called him in a more serious tone and looked him in the eyes, "It takes more than that to convince me to do the Hunter Exam, try harder next year 😋"

"You mean something more as in Ging." He sheepishly looked at her. "No." Riku blushed and laid back down so he couldn't see her face anymore. Netero chuckled and shifted his attention to his work again.

Now that he mentioned him, Riku kinda got into deep thoughts. She wondered where he could be right now. Dumb question, probably god himself doesn't even know where that bitch is. She chuckled at her own thoughts. 'Well last time I saw him, he kind of mentioned something about a kid. Does Ging actually have one? Damn he really got some, even with that ugly scruff in his face he constantly has going on. I wonder-'

Her thoughts were cut short as she heard Netero answering the phone. She honestly just halfheartedly listened to what he was saying, but it still piqued her interest as it sounded like there were some problems in the Hunter Exam.

As he hung up he sighed for the millionth time today, "Riku-Chan it looks like Menchi caused a little problem." He blushed lightly at the thought of the big breasted examiner, which did not go unnoticed by the girl, but she just ignored it for now, because she was very excited to bust Menchis fake ass.

"Never liked the drama bitch anyways, let's GOOOO!" Riku instantly made her way to the well known airship of the Hunter Association, with Netero following behind her, who had a light smile on his face.

Riku arrived first and got into the big airship. Beans was already waiting, ready to navigate the vehicle. Riku shouted from above Beans, "Beans, fly me to the Hunter Exam!" She pointed forward.

"You mean us, or are you participating to do this on your own?" Netero also came in now. "No, but bitch has to say the title somewhere in this story duh." A voice, probably the author, said. "God?" The other girl questioned stupidly.

Netero just moved on from the forth-wall-break and motioned for Bean to start the engine. "Aye sir!" Bean said in a truly pirate like manner.

Netero was about to say something, as he saw the girl already passed out on the nearest couch, that her idiot ass would probably fall out of anyways.

'Bruh , this bitch just slept for ten hours.' He thought to himself, maybe not like that but something along those lines, sorry your homegirl can't remember everyone's thoughts😗✌🏻

And so Netero and the unconscious Riku made their way to whoop Menchis 🍑

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