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"but geeee, school is still in a weeeek why get our uniforms nowwww?" Chenle was lazy to get his uniform so Renjun had to drag him all the way here.

"Chenle, you need to get them already or else we might ran out of your size" Renjun was still holding Chenle's wrist to go to the school's wardrobe (idk what do you call them) to get their uniforms.

"Good Morning! how may i help you today?" The cashier spoke as soon they two chinese male entered.

"Oh, we came to get our uniforms!" Renjun said first while Chenle was at the back looking at different uniforms displayed.

"Right this way! may i know your sizes?" The cashier guided them to the fitting room.

"Uhm, one medium i guess and a small" Renjun's cheeks turned pinkish saying his size knowing he was tiny. but he is a little knife though.

"Alright my darlings, ill go get them for you even your p.e uniforms. ill be back real quick!"
The lady quickly rushed back to the storage room and got the two male's uniforms.

"Renjun you're small? whaT!?" Chenle bursted out laughing.

"shhh, just shut up or ill choke you" Chenle then zipped his mouth while holding his laugh.

"Here you go, sadly we don't have anymore p.e shirts fitted for you darling" The cashier was talking to Chenle while she gave them their uniforms to him.

"the next batch will be given on about second week of school, is that okay with you?" Chenle nodded but slightly sad that he gets to wear different from other people.

"great! go try them onnn!" The lady was hyper and made Renjun and Chenle go to different dressing rooms.

"Looks great on you both! the black haired one reminds me of this one adorable nursery student i used to teach" The lady's eyes was all on Chenle.

"oh right, may i get your names?" The lady then laughed about forgetting to ask their name and made Renjun chuckle.

"Im Huang Renjun and this is Zhong Chenle" Renjun then dragged Chenle by putting his arm on Chenle's shoulder and put him close to him.

"Chenle? is that you? oh my God!! lele it's me ms. Kim!" The lady then put his notepad down and Chenle gave his nursery teacher a hug.

"mama Kim! it's been years! " Chenle called his teacher his mama since his mother was usually on work to take care of him.

"how are you? and where is that little chick you always bring?" Ms. Kim then broke the hug then the tension became awkward.

"uhm, let's say me and Ji aren't friends now."

"Good morning Ms. Kim!" Jisung then heard the one working at the school wardrobe was their old nursery teacher so he had to get there as soon as possible.

"Hm? do i know you?-" That made Jisung chuckle as he walked his way to the counter.

"it's me! jiji! from your old nursery class that was called a little chick!" Jisung looked at the lady that was going out of the counter and Hugged him so he hugged her back.

"Oh my God! you grown so much i can't even recognize you! you don't sound like a baby anymore!" The lady patted Jisung's back and broke the hug as soon as possible.

"are you here to get your uniform?" The lady asked but just recieved a nod from the taller.

"i already got them from Jaemin last week because i was lazy to go here but i didn't knew you were working here!" Jisung then pouted that he didn't get his uniform but Jaemin did.

"It's alright hun! i heard from Chenle you guys broke your friendship off? that's kinda sad specially when you liked him" The lady then gave the taller a smirk and a soft hit on his arm. and that made Jisung's cheek pink.

"shhh someone might hear us ms kim! don't tell anybodddyyy"

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