The Nightmare Is Real

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Being a hero isn't all that it's cracked up to be. People make it seem like saving people was an amazing thing, and it is, just not as easy as it sounds.

Spider-Man is a great example of what can happen to a hero who isn't quite ready for the harsh reality that is waiting for them. He fights to save people, but he doesn't fully understand that, sometimes, you can't save everyone. It's because of this fact, that the Avengers want to find out who this kid is and try to get him to quit.

It was a dangerous world out there, and he wasn't ready to take it head on.

But he does anyway.

Spider-Man avoids the Avengers like the plague, afraid that they would make him stop if they found out who he really was.

Peter Parker. A 16 year old kid who saves the day when he should be at home with his aunt, doing his homework or building Lego's with his friend. But no. He had to be bitten by a radioactive spider and gain super powers.

Parker Luck is a thing people.

And it sucks.

Peter lost his aunt to a villain raid about 6 months ago. The image of him swinging to catch her limp body as she fell to the hard ground was burned into his memory. Tony Stark took the kid in, since he felt bad about what happened and felt that it was fault that the kid was an orphan now, and also the fact that he already thought of his private intern as family. The kid moved in after being in the system for about 4 months because of processing and paperwork.

Peter managed to stay out of the lime light when he moved into the tower, and even though he loved the Avengers, he avoided them at all costs.

Tony thought that he would have fit in perfectly with the group since he was a hero junkie and knew a lot about the heroes already. Instead, Peter was a nervous wreak around them, always stuttering and scurrying away into a dark corner whenever he could.

Steve had asked Tony if the kid had blamed them for the death of his aunt May, and Tony shook his head in response. "No. But I do know that it was Spider-Man that tried to save her and he couldn't. I think he might hate the webslinger more than us."

Oh how right he was.

Peter Parker hated Spider-Man.

Just like how Spider-Man hated Peter Parker.

Spider-Man couldn't save his aunt and he couldn't keep his friends safe.

Peter Parker is a nobody who is living off of other people's pity.

What's there to love?

Peter sat on the large couch, hunched over and flicking through the channels when Tony, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Clint and Sam joined him. Tony slung an arm over the startled teen, cutting off all means of escape.

"What are we watching Kiddo?" Tony flashed a toothy smile.

"Uh... Star wars?" Peter suggested hesitantly.

"Sounds good!" Tony said, taking the remote from Peter and putting on the newest movie in the franchise.

Peter was a little surprised that they had all agreed to watch the movie with him. He was expecting them to call him a dork or some other mean name. The warmth bubbling in his chest was a strange but welcoming feeling, one that he hadn't felt in a long time. The two months that he had spent with the Avengers at the tower was mostly him running from them or sneaking out to do his spider-thing.

The movie was halfway though when Tony felt a weight on his lap. The billionaire looked down at the mop of brown hair that lay in tangles. Peter snored softly, having fallen asleep. Tony could clearly see the dark rings under the kids once innocent brown eyes, it's obvious that he hadn't been sleeping enough and that was worrisome.

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