Part 1 - Why are you British??

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The homie squad woke up, all of them wasted from the magic mushrooms they ate when at Home Depot. The birds were chirping and the faint sound of loud screaming from the divorced couple they had as neighbors could be heard in the distance.

Casey slowly got up and hit the quan, making every single joint in his body pop aggressively. The sound of his bones cracking makes everyone around him wake up even quicker. 

Jun slowly gets up, still wearing the Onecler outfit she stole from the cosplay store. She adjusted her huge glasses and wiped her outfit, trying to clear away tiny dust particles that were probably stuck on the $300,000,000 cosplay outfit. 

"I nearly ruined my swag Gucci outfit!!!!!" She says dramatically like the stupid little theater kid she is, making a pose and nearly kicking Mitsy on the face.

"I may be short. But my farts are huge." Mitsy screams at Jun, she was wearing a Fanboy costume but instead of a having the Fanboy logo it was just a huge lesbian flag.

Casey stares blankly at Jun and Mitsy, slowly losing his last braincell just at the sight of them. This was why he wished he could show off his homophobic pride without shame, after all it was a beautiful thing and he should be proud. He cringes at them and looks away.

"WOAAAAAAAAAAAH MY HEAD!" Zim yells levitating into the air, their outfit was a mess, nobody had a single clue what it's supposed to be but from the looks of it, it seems to be layers of clothes of all their kins at once.

"Ok listen up, we are NOT going to sing the Robin song anymore. It's dead. Periodt, call me Epilepsy." Casey says pointing at the other homies, who were quietly humming the Robin song. Zim looks at Jun who was looking at Mitsy who was looking at Zim, they are gay. Gay people with big dicks.

The homies all united at the backyard, the garden was filled with thousands of statues of Jon Arbuckle, the homie squad was very worried for Casey's sanity but none would dare to talk shit about his Reddit crush. The day was very stupid looking, the sky was just a big ass rainbow. Ever since gay people abolished the need for heterosexuality the world has never been the same. Casey didn't really like the thought of the other homies cock-blocking his husband due to their heterophobia, but he got cancelled on Twitter so his opinion doesn't matter.

"Ok, but do you fart?" Misty asks after Casey explained their evil plan to abolish the need for Kyle kinnies.

"No. Any other questions?" Casey whispers, hoping nobody could hear him admit he has fart impediment.

"Please can I get a quarter, sir?" Jun whimpers, crying dramatically because she kept getting oppressed for being a Kyle kinnie on main.

Casey gets angry, starts fucking fuming, he stomps over to Jun and stomps on them until they are nothing but a small brown stain on the ground.

Zim starts saying British words, bloody hell to be more specific. Casey immediately calmed down, but not in a good way. He just didn't know what he could even do as a response to a British person. 

Casey and Mitsy both stared at Zim for a solid 5 seconds before both leaning closer and asking "why are you British?" in a hurt tone.

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