Part 3 - Whore

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"Wow! Mitsy you actually won!" Zim cheered happily and then proceeded to get in a Lenny outfit.

Mitsy gets up from the chair, her arm muscles pumping blood so excessively it shook the house harder than my brain shook when i got hit on the head with a coconut when I was 7.

"YEAH! I KIN FANBOY" Mitsy shouted and then took a sip from a Frosty Freezy Freeze he had hidden in his hair. 

"ENTP!" ENTP cat meows really loudly making the entire planet tremble from the sound waves.

"OK WHORE. WE UNDERSTAND. DAMN." Casey yells at the fatass bitchy ass cunt cat that nobody liked but Zim kept fucking FEEDING FOR NO REASON!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK ZIM!!!!!

"Don't yell at my catboy wtf!" Zim sobs.

Casey and Robin glare at Zim, they were INFP-phobic and Zim was not an exception. But they were ENTP at one point so there's nothing they could do. Making them calm down.

Suddenly the front door swings open and a really tall man walks in.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Mitsy yells pointing at the tall lanky bitchass motherfucker who stood in front of them.
"Oh great. Robin when did you clone yourself?" Casey sighs.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE? I THOUGHT I KILLED YOU!" Robin yells getting up from the seat, fuming in anger.

"At least I don't say chewsday." The Onceler said rolling his eyes and sassily lifting his chin.

Robin goes batshit insane and pounces on the Onceler, she starts beating him up like she's been training for years. He screeches and begs for help, but none of the homies care about him so they just cheer Robin on as she stomps on the Onceler until he is nothing more but a brown stain on the carpet.

"Zoo wee mama!" Zim says as Boog walks in, they run up to Boog and grab him, lifting him off the ground as if he was nothing but a feather. Then they ran off crashing through the wall of the living room to the outside of the house.

Mitsy and Casey look at each other and shrug, why was the homie squad gay and homophobic? Who knows. But what I do know is that your mom's coochie doesn't stink as much as yours does.

Casey watches TV peacefully, Family guy per usual. He was the only one watching at the moment, he preferred it that way. Because Zim would constantly headcanon everyone as a lesbian, Mitsy would space out thinking about how he's going to become the new Girl in Red by getting into 100gecs and Robin would just keep yelling at characters, calling them gay everytime they showed up on screen.

"What are you watching?" Jon Arbuckle asks politely, he was soaking wet from the pool party he just returned from. His huge bug eyes shining from the lighting of the room. He was not hot but this is Casey's perspective so I guess he was.

Casey twirls his hair around his finger and blushes. "Hii 100" He says looking at Jon Arbuckle, the man from the hit show Garfield and friends.

"I asked you what you're watching, woman." Jon snaps in his monotone voice. "Stop watching American dad 2 and go make me a sandwich." he yells misogynistically.

Casey loved when he did that, he was so sexy when he was misogynistic.

Robin walks down the stairs and stops when she sees Jon Arbuckle. She frowns and walks back up the stairs and locks herself in her room again.

"I hate your gay friends, you should meet more straight christian women instead." Jon Arbuckle whines, scratching his balls.

"You're such a whore" Casey says lovingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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