Chapter 33

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Congbo was stepping on the gas, speeding up their drive to home. After years of trying, Congbo had finally managed to crack down some of Mian's old walls, that covered her tracks. Daqing had volunteered to go to check it out with Congbo. They had been through a lot for the past two years, so they had a good understanding of each other as partners and mates. They had gone to the location that Congbo found through mobile signals, and as always they were too late, the bird had already flown away, leaving the cage empty, without any traces. It was when they got a call from Chu saying that Shen Wei got home. Both Daqing and Congbo was happy, but Chu's voice said that something was very wrong, so here they were, rushing home, breaking almost all of the traffic laws in the country. Daqing was anxiously tapping his foot to the car floor, Congbo easily sensed the uncomfort-ability of his mate. They did not need to find much, Chu's tone was enough to make them understand that something was up, they just prayed that there would not be more trouble. 'Shen Wei's home, come as soon as possible.', Chu's voice resounded in Congbo's mind as he stepped on the gas again, making the accelerator lay flat on the car floor.

Daqing and Congbo rushed in, expecting to see Shen Wei and the twins in the living room, but they were greeted by the worried-looking Chu and a crying Guo. The atmosphere was gloomy, making goosebumps to rise on Daqing's body. He swallowed hard and asked the question that Congbo was hesitating to ask,

"Where are they?"

Daqing asked, scanning the living area. A small tear escaped Chu's eye as he replied with a choking sob,

"He is in his room."

Daqing was puzzled with Chu's attitude, he knew how eager Chu was to meet his brother and nephews, but his attitude now showed that he could not even stand to look at them. Daqing slowly went towards the room, but he halted at the door, he was scared of what lied inside. Congbo squeezed Daqing's hand with assurance and opened the door for them. Daqing only took a glance before he sank to the floor with tears streaming down his eyes. The beautiful angel that Yunlan owned, the angel that he was jealous of because of stealing all of Yunlan's attention was lying on the bed, motionlessly. Shen Wei was white as chalk, sweat covered his body, but the smile on his face was so calm and peaceful. Congbo kneeled and hugged Daqing as his tears also threatened to fall down, this was not how they expected to see their friend, after seeing everything that Shen Wei had gone through, seeing him like this was unbearable to them, they just could not understand why God hated this angel so much, to torture him to such extents.

After some time both Daqing and Congbo composed back themselves and went back to the living room, Chu was comforting Guo in his embrace. Daqing silently sat down on the couch, still holding Congbo's hand as if his life depended on it.

"Where are the twins?"

Daqing asked in a small voice if someone was not watching they might think it was Guo that spoke, Daqing's voice was small, fragile and sad like Guo's. Chu sighed and raised his hand, pointing his finger to his twin's previous bedroom.

"They are asleep."

Chu said in a dry tone, Daqing just nodded.

"How did he come?"

Daqing questioned Chu again.

"Zhujiu sent him."

Chu said like he was spitting out poison. He was not sure what kind of drama that witch was trying to play this time.


Congbo questioned back, surprise evident his voice. He had been trying so hard for the past two years to take that man out of shadows. Congbo had to admit that Zhujiu was a pro in hacking than him, coming and going without leaving any trace behind, like a ghost.

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