Chapter 35

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Yunlan was pissed off when he was carried on grumpy's shoulders for the second time on that day, he was not a sack of potatoes or a damsel in distress, for the god's sake, he was a man, well an immobilized man at the moment. He felt grumpy entering a building with him. A soft gasp was heard from the background, 'well, the residents mustn't have expected my visit', Yunlan thought to himself while rolling his eyes behind the blindfold. Then they entered a small room, as soon as they entered, Yunlan felt a familiar warmth swallowing him. It was the same warmth he felt when he was with his angel in his dreams, and also an intoxicating scent of vanilla started attacking his nostrils as soon as the grumpy set foot to the room with him. The scent was so familiar, soothing Yunlan's mind and a tear escaped Yunlan's eye without his consciousness. Then he was sat on a chair, and the blindfold was taken off. The light in the room was too bright so Yunlan could not suddenly open his eyes, he heard his carrier leaving him in the room, closing the door as he left.

As Yunlan's eyes finally adjusted to the light in the room, he slowly opened his eyes to see the source of the sweet scent that was harassing him all this time. Yunlan could not believe his eyes when he saw the scenery in front of him. He was sitting in front of a bed, the sunlight that came in from the window landed on the bed. Lying on the bed, basking in the sunlight was a living angel. He had flawless milky skin, his face had two eyes, which was now closed, but his long lashes spoke and told Yunlan that the closed eyes were definitely eye-catching, the straight and kissable thin lips only added more beauty to the god's masterpiece. Yunlan practically drooled over the sight in front of him, but something was wrong, the angel was unbelievably pale, but that pale complexion could not hide the beauty in his appearance. The warmth that radiated from the angel was so familiar, Yunlan could not remember where he had felt this warmth, but his heart screamed 'mine' whenever he looked at that face. He tried to compare the angel in his dreams with the one in front of him, and for some reason, he felt that both of them were the same.

While Yunlan admired the beauty of the fallen angel in front of him, he did not notice the pair of jet-black eyes that were staring at him in surprise. After a full body admiration Yunlan turned his attention back to the angel's face, and he was met with his ever-familiar pair of jet-black eyes. They were the same pair of eyes that Yunlan had spent hours staring at in his dreams, now he was sure than ever that this man was the angel in his dreams, but something in his mind told him to leave here this instant, and for the first time in a long time, his body listened to his mind instead of his heart, because his heart was screaming that this angel belonged in his arms. Yunlan was conflicted, but his mind-controlled him and in no time he found himself trying to compel the angel that was looking at him with a look that he could not interpret. When he used his compelling, Yunlan could feel the self-control this man had over his own brain. Yunlan was sure that this was the person who put the barrier around grumpy's mind, so there was no way that Yunlan would be able to compel him.

But to Yunlan's surprise, the angel stood up and walked towards him in careful steps. Yunlan was planning to compel him and order him to take off the acupuncture needle that was immobilizing him, but he was sure that this angel was not under his compelling. What Yunlan could not understand was why the angel was acting like he was compelled when he was totally working under his own will. The angel walked towards Yunlan slowly, taking baby steps like even a slight movement was draining his strength, but Yunlan had to admit that his angel did look like he was in a bad shape, 'but he is moving on his own will, not under my influence', Yunlan said to himself as he saw the painful expression on his angel's face as he walked towards Yunlan. For some unknown reason, Yunlan's heart clenched in pain as he saw the painful expression of the man in front of him, Yunlan could not possibly understand the reason behind his heartache. Like the angel had heard his thoughts, he slowly moved to Yunlan's back and took out the needle that immobilized him.

Finally, Yunlan felt his limbs listening to him, he stood up and stretched his body before turned around to face his angel. His angel raised his head and looked into Yunlan's eyes, there were many emotions that floated in those eyes, but the only thing Yunlan saw was love, joy, pain, and sadness. Yunlan felt himself drowning in those dark black orbs, like drowning in a depthless pool of emotions. Suddenly his angel cupped his face, the first thing Yunlan felt from this sudden act was the pain. He felt like his head was going to explode, images flashed inside his head, voices whispered, it was too much for him to bear. Yunlan took his head in his hands and screamed, shaking off his angel's hands. As soon as those hands left his face, the pain suddenly vanished, the images stopped flashing, and the voices stopped whispering. Yunlan's eyes shot open as a strong scent of blood hit his nostrils. This was the first time he felt the urge to drink blood from someone, he knew it was impossible for him to feed on blood as his vampire side was weak, but the thirst he felt at the moment was overwhelming, making him go dizzy and numbing his senses.

Yunlan closed his eyes and shook his head before opening them again to find the source of the blood scent. A soft gasp left Yunlan's lips as his eyes landed on the limp body that lied beside the bedside table, with blood oozing out from the cut in his head. Yunlan was sure that he only gave a slight push to his angel, it could not possibly send him flying across the room. Yunlan had understood that the man in front of him was powerful when he first laid eyes on him, so there was no reason for him to go flying from Yunlan's push in the first place. But as Yunlan took another look at his angel his mind registered that his angel's wounds were not healing on their own and that he was bleeding far more than he should. Yunlan could not understand what was happening to his angel, he was sure that his angel was married as he saw the ring on his finger, but he could not understand why his wounds didn't heal, 'maybe his mate is dead.', Yunlan thought as he carefully walked to his angel and knelt beside him.

Yunlan took out his handkerchief and pressed it on his angel's head to stop the bleeding. Then he carefully scooped his angel in his arms in bridal style and laid him on the bed, the contact felt so familiar in Yunlan's heart, but he just shrugged it off as there were more important matters to attend than sorting out his feelings. Yunlan was at the edge of his self-control, the scent of the blood was driving him crazy. He was going to call grumpy, asking for help, but Yunlan unconsciously knelt back down on the floor and wiped some blood that had bled out from his angel's wound using his fingers. Before Yunlan could register what was happening his fingers were in his mouth, when the blood finally hit his taste buds, the seal finally cracked. Images started flashing in his mind, but it was in slow motion this time, and the voices were more loud and clear. Yunlan saw the first day that he laid his eyes upon his angel at the airport while picking up Daqing, how they met at his company, the close make out session in front of Daqing, finally making a blood pact, first making out, the dates, the hugs, the kisses, the promises, all of them started flooding into Yunlan's mind.

"Xiao Wei promise me that you will never let me go, that no matter what happens you will wait for me, that you will believe in my love for you. Promise me, Xiao Wei."

His own words, when they last slept together, came crashing onto him non-stop like waves crashed the shore nonstop.

"Ah Lan do you remember the promise I gave when we first kissed. I will never let you go, even death cannot tear us apart. Even if we die I will come and find you in our next life and every other life till eternity."

Yunlan remembered his angel's answer, but Yunlan could not still remember the events on the night they got separated, but he remembered all the feelings like they were burnt to the very core of his soul. The fear, the helplessness, the pain, he remembered it all, tears streamed down his cheeks as he remembered it, but he remembered the love, the warmth, the kindness that his angel had granted him, and for an instant, his angel's warmth was enough to banish the pain and coldness from his heart, but there was a difference this time, Yunlan felt a stronger bond now than the bond he had felt with his Xiao Wei previously. Yunlan looked back at his angel, this time his eyes were filled with the old love and warmth. They shined brightly like old times. Yunlan stroked Shen Wei's cheek and hugged him while whispering into his ear,

"Xiao Wei, wake up, I'm back. Your Ah Lan is back."

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