Silent Night.

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hello I'm'm Jemma Angel. I am 14 and I am deaf my parents said I used to hear and I was a nurmale child then one day when I was eight years old something went wroung I couldn't hear anything I screamed and I couldn't even hear myself scream my parents tried talking to me but I couldn'thear I was affraid of what happend the doctor says I got a deaf virus and there might be a possibilty it might go away but it might stay forever I was so scard then we are at today I am use to being deaf I blog everything because no one can hear me say anything. so I am homeschooled and also I wish I knew why I only person to have this I feel as if I was the only deaf person I sometimes thought about what hearing people do? do they have problems to they seem to have a care in the world no they probably only carw about therself talking and they have perfect lifes I wish I hade that! my change got taken away from me and I will never understand why I am left in the slient night when people sing silent night it realy is a silent night for me. I am left in the shadows and I feel no way out! SOS please someone help me! no one can thou cause I am let the the dark and silent night.

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