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Nobody answered my question last time so imma just switch POV's as I please. I actually normally write in first person so I'm surprised I got some votes on the last one haha.

Not everything in this fanfic will be accurate to real life. I don't know shit about modelling agencies so please do not correct me on any mistakes. Thank you :) x

Harry's POV

Despite what had happened a few hours prior, Louis had managed to get me to the modelling agency on time, I was also wearing a more suitable outfit that represented me, one of my favourite outfits actually which was a pastel pink plaid skirt, white crop top, white knee-high socks and off-white sneakers, one of Louis coats on top as it was still cold out. 

We burst through the door holding hands, Louis dragging me along to the room using his pointy finger to where I would be showing off my modelling portfolio, him clinging tightly to the backpack on his shoulder. 

I was kind of nervous to be fair which Louis clearly picked up on as he started to rub circles on my palm when we sat down on a bench outside of the room

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I was kind of nervous to be fair which Louis clearly picked up on as he started to rub circles on my palm when we sat down on a bench outside of the room.

"Calm down love, they'll accept you. I mean look at you, you're gorgeous". I grinned up at Louis and gave him a peck on the cheek, looking back through the portfolio.

Louis tended to take photos of me in his friend Zayn's art studio so I had a good selection of photographs to show. Some were more comedic and others were more serious, pictures the agency would more likely want to see, well at least I'd like to think they would want to see.

"Wait you're missing something......hmmmm"

I confusingly looked at Louis as he started to rummage through his backpack. "Louis what..." I stopped as he pulled out a flower crown and grinned, standing up and placing it on top of my curls.

" I stopped as he pulled out a flower crown and grinned, standing up and placing it on top of my curls

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"Perfect", he grinned.

"Louis you're such an idiot"

"Yeah but you love me"

"I wonder why", I sighed, smiling at him as he looked at me with fond.

"Harry Styles?!" a middle aged blonde woman called out.

I raised my hand and nodded awkwardly, walking toward the room with Louis hand in mine. Once inside I placed my portfolio on the desk in front of a bald man and short-haired brunette woman with glasses and a few wrinkles. The man scowled and the woman smiled.

"Please take a seat both of you. I'm guessing you're Harry?" the woman asked, gesturing to the chairs then to me, the bald man looking through the portfolio, still with a scowl on his face.

I nodded in return and shook her hand from across the desk, "yes I am, it's lovely to meet you".

I sat, knees shaking as they looked through the portfolio, Louis noticed and gripped my hand tightly. I may only be 17 but I've always wanted to be a model and this was my opportunity to make it happen, if I failed now, I know I would for sure give up hope, never try again and end up working in Starbucks.

The man shook his head after a few minutes and handed the portfolio back. "Seen too many kids like you. You don't have anything our other models don't have". I looked at the portfolio with tears in my eyes.

Louis stood abruptly and pulled me up with him, "Harry is the most gorgeous and amazing 17 year old you will ever meet, give him a chance and he'll show you how he can charm the camera. It's my fault for the images, I'm not a very good photographer. Just please give him a chance, modelling has always been his dream".

There was silence for a few seconds, Louis just glaring at the man.

"You start next week. I'll get a photographer from a studio closer to you to start some photoshoots. Don't disappoint me" the man looked up, his face looked brighter and he had a slight smile on his face, the woman smiled too at his response.

"Thank you so much!" I grinned. I pulled Louis in for a hug and he let out an 'oompf' at the impact. I held him tightly and buried my face into his neck. 

I'm so lucky to have Louis, if only my mum could let go of the past and see how amazing he is

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I'm so lucky to have Louis, if only my mum could let go of the past and see how amazing he is...

Kinda shit but umm...it's something. Hope it's good enough :D

Any of you got any ideas of cute stuff Larry could do? Comment here ->

Love you and thanks for the support,

Joanna xx

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