The New Girl

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Jade's PoV
I walked into school already angry because my dad and I argued about my piercings again he called me a disgrace and said how no one was going to take me seriously if I looked like a "juvenile", he ended the argument with I love you so I apologized and left. But I saw Beck and I thought " finally someone who can calm me down," but the when I got closer and saw him with ANOTHER GIRL which absolutely INFURIATED me. As I got closer I noticed she smelled like roses and was kind of pretty I guess. I was still mad so I shoved her into the locker I held her there threatening her. She didn't seem as scared as I would have thought instead she looked kind of...distracted.
       It was 4th period me and Beck had finished our work so I started talking to him and asked Him if we should go on a date after school he replied with a sharp and dry whatever. I looked at him shocked and asked "are you mad at me what did I do?"  "why did you do that to Tori well actually not just Tori but any other girl who I want to be friends with why do you have to drive them away when you know that you are the only one I want?!" He whisper screamed. "Because all the girls like you and I know that you would never do anything but the girls are a different story s-" he cut me off with " if I don't give into them and remind them I have a girlfriend what's the problem?" "Ugh I guess you're right" I said.
   It was finally lunch today was lasagna day So that made me happy I was at a table with Cat,Beck, Andre, and Robbie, and his puppet Rex. We were all talking about our assignment in Physcowitz's class when I look up and see Beck motioning for "little miss perfect" Tori to come sit with us I almost got up but then I remembered what Beck said. So I called out "it's fine I won't bite...this time." She came to sit down and just my luck the only free spot was next to me goodie. While she was sitting there all I could do was listen to every word which made my cheeks feel flushed and red, which is strange because I never feel like this when I am angry.
Tori's Pov
I was getting my food when I see Beck motioning me over to the table but then I saw Jade and thought that it wouldn't be a good idea I didn't want her to slam me against the locker again even if it was attractive I didn't say that out loud did I. I was awakened from my thoughts by Jade saying how it was fine. Strange what was she planning? There were a few people I hadn't seen before.  There was a kid with a keyboard and he said "Hi I am Andre the red head Is Cat and the kid with the puppet and glasses is my brother Robbie well kind of I am adopted sort of. I gave him a strange look and introduced myself. "I will explain the whole adopted thing later" He replied.

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