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Jade's POV:
Tori has been here a week it seems that everyday I seem to hate her more and more. But the hate I feel for her is a completely different hate I have for everyone else. Anyway we have most of our classes together so that's just great.
Beck's POV: It was a Monday I got out of my trailer got in my truck and picked up my girlfriend Jade. She was always telling me how annoying Tori is Is even though I don't agree but I just listen because arguing with Jade is extremely draining. We got to school and we talked to Cat, Robbie, Andre, and Tori. We heard the bell rang and we all walked to Sikowitz's class, Tori and Jade tried walking through the door at the same time and they bumped into each other and the door frame. "Watch where you are going!" Jade said angrily to Tori. " Me watch where I'M going maybe If you weren't staring at your phone you would have seen me." Tori said, they argued and argued. "Hellooo class" sikowitz said enthusiastically. " Oh shut up "little miss perfect"" "no youuuu shut up". "Ladies, ladies LADIES" screamed sikowitz. "Why are you screaming at each other" Tori wasn't watching where she was going and, me no you weren't I wasn't what you are so, so WHAT!?" They argued at the same time. "ENOUGH" Sikowitz shouted, since you too are having trouble getting along how about I assign Jade as the husband and Tori as the wife in the upcoming play," sikowitz said smirking. Cat, Andre, Robbie, and I giggled at what sikowitz had just said. "WHO ARE YOU LAUGHING AT" Jade screamed. "Since you too can't seem to get along you will work on how you act around each other to make sure you start acting like a proper couple for the play, that includes dates, holding hand, affectionate hugs, speaking sweetly to each other, and if all else fails couples therapy." Sikowitz said seemingly amused with himself. The bell went dinng signifying to go to our next class. "That will be all class" said sikowitz. I had my second period with Jade and I was soooo excited to listen to her complain about Tori all the way there.

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